Dark Trooper - The Glitch

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Re: Dark Trooper - The Glitch

Postby TaTerToT » Sun Jul 29, 2012 12:42 am

Wookie- Bowcaster, Grenade Launcher, Grenades, and Recon + More health and good ammo supply vs. Dark Trooper- ARC Caster, Pistol, Grenades with weaker ammo supply. In my opinion the Darkie Glitch evens it out.
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Re: Dark Trooper - The Glitch

Postby Unit_14 » Sun Jul 29, 2012 12:46 am

I knew a mindless troll like wulfman couldn't stay quiet..... lulz


Now go back to modding maps that 3 kids will download. (Here comes the Gametoast reference everyone and maybe some more frivolous attempts to sound chivalrous. yay!)
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Re: Dark Trooper - The Glitch

Postby sinty » Sun Jul 29, 2012 12:49 am

THEWULFMAN wrote:@Sinty

Yes, because if you don't have the aim to kill someone in a single second, you're a noob and a crybaby.


You remind me of something I saw once. Ah, yes, here it is.


If I had the power, I would ban Sinty for saying misogynous things. I really hate discrimination and prejudice, against anyone of any gender, ethnicity, or sexual orientation.

lol, im the cry baby? you are the one talking about rapists and how badly you get owned by darkies, i dont seem to have a problem with them unless its doves or one of the other best bf2 players on the planet, even then they have taken their fair share of nades and bowcasters to the face. stop ur cryin' already. wah wah wahhhhh mommieeeee they are darkie glitching tell them to stopppp wahhhhh wahhhhhhh
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Re: Dark Trooper - The Glitch

Postby [m'kay] » Sun Jul 29, 2012 1:03 am

Man, it's a good thing this is such an important topic or you would all look like children squabbling over stupid [poo]. Wulf, you don't get to take the "I hate misogynists" stance after what you posted earlier, I don't care if you got on your hands and knees and apologized to every woman in the world. I don't hate you for it, but dude you can't seriously be trying to act like the protector of all womankind after making an analogy about rape when it comes to your star wars game. That's dumb as [m'kay].

And 14, great job hopping on the dicks of those higher than you in the Star Wars Aspergers hierarchy, you picked some great role models here. I mean god who the [m'kay] cares about this stupid [poo]? There's got to be something, anything to do that is better than this. I mean seriously, you could probably stare at a wall and do some deep thinking about your life or something, and it would be more productive than this. I'm not usually one to be "that guy", but holy [poo] people do something more interesting. Even if that's just playing the game you're all [female dog] about. At least if you stared off into the distance you'd look like you're thinking about something more interesting than "augh god these [m'kay] video games man THAT DARK TROOPER CAN FIRE AFTER JUMPING AND THAT IS NOT [m'kay] FAIR AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUGH"

seriously though yall need to shut the [m'kay] up
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Re: Dark Trooper - The Glitch

Postby Unit_14 » Sun Jul 29, 2012 1:13 am

[m'kay] wrote:I mean god who the [m'kay] cares about this stupid [poo]?

I'd say you care, Mr. 1409 posts. :D
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Re: Dark Trooper - The Glitch

Postby THEWULFMAN » Sun Jul 29, 2012 1:16 am

Unit_14. I'm the troll in this situation, yet you're the one who decided to make love to your Caps Lock key.


Sinty, I didn't call you a crybaby. Ever.

When did I ever mention being owned by darkies? That's right, never. You're making assumptions, and assumptions start wars.

EDIT: Ninja'd by Narg.

I'm not looking for your approval. If you knew who I was, which you don't, you'd know I've always hated predujive against gender, ethnicity, and sexual orientation. Dude I was *just* banned on the Nexus because I said I didn't like someone's skimpy armor mod because I hate those kinds of mods (in which my as-of-yet unanswered appeal I stated those kinds of mods are treating women poorly). Yes they ban you for that kind of thing. I can link you if you want.

I made a mistake, I made a dumb analogy. And I am sorry.


I'm not going to stop being who I am because of it. I don't give a [m'kay] if you don't like me anymore (or never did). I've always been defending women and homosexuals (I haven't had the chance to defend many ethnicities in my life as of yet). Just because I made one mistake doesn't mean I no longer have the right to do so.
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Re: Dark Trooper - The Glitch

Postby Boss » Sun Jul 29, 2012 1:18 am

[m'kay] wrote: I'm not usually one to be "that guy", but holy [poo] people do something more interesting.

Your in a god damn Star Wars Battlefront 2 forum. What the [m'kay] did you expect the topics to be about in the Battlefront subforums? Jesus, next time you sign up for a forum, check the name.
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Re: Dark Trooper - The Glitch

Postby Unit_14 » Sun Jul 29, 2012 1:27 am

THEWULFMAN wrote:Unit_14. I'm the troll in this situation, yet you're the one who decided to make love to your Caps Lock key.


569 posts and the incessant need to reply to everything like some arrogant blowhard? Versus, this, my 17th post. I have a tan because I go outside. You should try it sometime, troll boy.
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Re: Dark Trooper - The Glitch

Postby [m'kay] » Sun Jul 29, 2012 1:28 am

14, riding has nothing to do with oral sex. Take a refresher course in sex ed, please! And for the record, over a thousand of those posts are probably just me telling people to stop being dumbasses. So yes, I guess I give a [poo], just not about the game and more about the people who spend their time posting on a star wars board, so really i'm just as much of a lost cause as the rest of you. I just do more zoning out, because it makes me look smarter.

Wulf, thanks for the paragraphs defending yourself, but they don't really matter. You're not looking for my approval? So what, you think i'm the only one pissed off that you brought up rape in a [m'kay] star wars forum? Jesus christ, so you don't like some mod that makes women show their titties, clearly you are a staunch ally in the battle for women's rights. You know, except for the rape analogy thing. I'm not saying you don't have the right to stand up for women's rights, i'm saying that calling someone out for being misogynistic right after what you said makes you look like a goddamn idiot.

And Boss, you have a fair point. On the other hand, i'm pretty sure i'm allowed to expect that grown men act like grown ass men and realize when a topic is [m'kay] useless and stupid. But then, I also expect that a Star Wars game be treated like a Star Wars game instead of the second coming of Christ, so...
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Re: Dark Trooper - The Glitch

Postby THEWULFMAN » Sun Jul 29, 2012 1:32 am

Unit_14 wrote:
THEWULFMAN wrote:Unit_14. I'm the troll in this situation, yet you're the one who decided to make love to your Caps Lock key.


569 posts and the incessant need to reply to everything like some arrogant blowhard? Versus, this, my 17th post. I have a tan because I go outside. You should try it sometime, troll boy.

I'm sorry my medically crippled ass spends a lot of his time indoors bedridden. I'm sorry I communicate with others in the internet. I'm sorry I don't have a tan.
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