Dark Trooper - The Glitch

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Re: Dark Trooper - The Glitch

Postby 11_Panama_ » Sun Jul 29, 2012 1:44 am

I had ice cream today.
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Re: Dark Trooper - The Glitch

Postby Boss » Sun Jul 29, 2012 1:51 am

[m'kay] wrote:I also expect that a Star Wars game be treated like a Star Wars game instead of the second coming of Christ, so...

But wouldn't the second coming of Christ be considered a glitch as well. It bends the rules of Earths engine. The two are actually more alike if you think about it.

Let's ban Jesus!
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Re: Dark Trooper - The Glitch

Postby THEWULFMAN » Sun Jul 29, 2012 1:53 am

11_Panama_ wrote:I had ice cream today.

Ice cream is nice. I prefer these Reese's Klondike bars. What's your favorite?
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Re: Dark Trooper - The Glitch

Postby FaiL.? » Sun Jul 29, 2012 2:04 am

11_Panama_ wrote:I had ice cream today.

Ice cream is nice. I prefer these Reese's Klondike bars. What's your favorite?

Ice cream sandwich! :D
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Re: Dark Trooper - The Glitch

Postby 11_Panama_ » Sun Jul 29, 2012 2:27 am

11_Panama_ wrote:I had ice cream today.

Ice cream is nice. I prefer these Reese's Klondike bars. What's your favorite?

Dulce de leche....there is no better ice cream than this in the world, but to stay on topic...I had ice cream today.
Last edited by 11_Panama_ on Sun Jul 29, 2012 4:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dark Trooper - The Glitch

Postby WD-40 » Sun Jul 29, 2012 2:45 am

Will you guys knock off the 'sex' talk?!? Stay on topic and stop the insults. It's pointless, childish and stupid (not neccesarily meaning the topic). Point is, there's obvious disagreement as to the merits of warn/kicks/bans of Dark Troopers. We don't seem to be losing players over it, even though it's definetely a problem for numerous players, and no problem for others. If I see them before they shoot, my personal best luck killing DT's is with a sniper rifle, or a good close missile shot near their feet. I'd say 70% of the time I don't see them coming, and if they use the glitch then, I'm usually dead.

Personally, since the opposing team doesn't have the advantage of rocket packs to fly against a DT or across the maps quickly, I'd just assume get rid of the DTs from the maps and replace them with something that doesn't fly or maybe the Jet Trooper. Is that even possible...short of creating some ban on DT abuse?
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Re: Dark Trooper - The Glitch

Postby THEWULFMAN » Sun Jul 29, 2012 2:50 am

A server mod could remove the special class from all 4 teams, problem is if I recall what Matt has said correctly (50/50 chance at that), server mods cause instability.

I'm all for it. Heck we could remove the Special and Officer class, then it's just the main 4 classes. The vanilla game doesn't handle special classes very well, certain mods fix those problems, but they don't help JBA.

Or a smaller but still mod related solution, change the weapon the DT has to a rifle.
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Re: Dark Trooper - The Glitch

Postby Boss » Sun Jul 29, 2012 2:56 am

THEWULFMAN wrote:A server mod could remove the special class from all 4 teams

[poo], you really know how to make a bad game worse don't you. This [m'kay] mod sounds awesome, I'll be sure to give it a download.
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Re: Dark Trooper - The Glitch

Postby Eyes Only » Sun Jul 29, 2012 2:58 am

THEWULFMAN wrote:Right. That's why they developers call it Zero repeatedly, and that's why the tool for editing map is called Zero Editor, and that's why people who know way more than you or I call the engine they used Zero.

I wasn't trying to bash your information with technicalities, I'm sure you know a lot about the game and how it works. I actually was just joking about the fact that Zero doesn't have an actual physics engine which is a shame.

Wait a minute, your thread? This isn't your thread, this is Draigun's.

I only mentioned the thing about my mod because I felt the only way to stop this kind of thing is to just fix it at its source. Trying to ban people for such a thing isn't going to go ever well. People have been using this exploit for years and years. They're not about to stop now even if a made a rule against it.

WHERE exactly do they repeatedly call the engine zero? Can you find ANY references whatsoever in battlefront 2 that explicitly says it is the zero engine? How about in the developer documentation? I'm pretty sure Nathan Mates (one of the main developers of the game) knows what hes talking about when he corrected me about how they discontinued zero after they found out it "didn't play well with consoles" and that they created an entirely new engine for the battlefront series. His explanation for the editor having the same name was "why create entirely new tools when you can just adapt what you already have".

Also, I told drai to create the thread. And the basic definition of a physics engine is any software designed to approximately simulate a part or parts of real-world physics.
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Re: Dark Trooper - The Glitch

Postby Unit_14 » Sun Jul 29, 2012 2:58 am

[m'kay] wrote:14, riding has nothing to do with oral sex. Take a refresher course in sex ed, please!

Get laid, kid, M'kay? You are just another stupid lonely wuss trying to sound intelligent on a video game forum. Maybe you and Mr. have-sympathy-for-my-gimpish-trolling-I'm-sick Wulfman can cuddle each other while smearing some of Panama's ice cream on each other, then make 300 more pretentious posts about nothing. God forbid anyone have any opinions contrary to the pair of you pansies. Sinty had it right all along, it's just some crying babies pretending to have IQs over 4. Don't choke on your anti-depressants! I'm out.

P.S. Panama, you rock for trying to change the subject.
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