(=DK=)Samonuh wrote:I'll stick to answering problems that have actual meaning in the real world.
Darth Crater wrote:I worked out that X couldn't be larger than 48 by looking at the divisors of p=5, 7, and 11. I then got about halfway through writing a script to brute-force check X=48 against the first 500 primes before getting distracted and having to leave. That would've given me a "good enough" solution, though certainly not a proof.
Darth Crater wrote:Yeah. The problem is that, while it's certainly strong evidence,mathematically speaking it's useless . I wouldn't have done that if I could come up with a proof in the first place. I guess it's showing that I did all my higher math in high school and spent the last 4 years dealing with logic, sets, and such rather than algebra, that I didn't even bother trying to factor it.
Darth Crater wrote:I've just finished a Computer Science degree. So, yes, I did sets, countability, etc more recently than algebra or calc. I remember them better, though I haven't used them all that much since. I get the most use out of things like propositional logic.
(SWGO)Kren wrote:Reminds me of the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy all these questions...
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