Why is the Macintosh operating system better than that of Windows? (By the way, I'd just like to point out that a "PC" is any consumer-brand computer, regardless of its operating system.)
When one states something is "better" than the other, he or she is arguing in a very specific way.
Example A: There is no such thing as a GUI that is better than another; the quality of graphic interfaces is
solely a mat
.ter of opinion.
Example B: Processor A is better than processor B; processor A has a larger L3 cache and operating clock frequency than those of processor B. Processor A outperformed processor B on three out of four hardware/software benchmarking platforms,
quod erat demonstrandum.
A user who claims
"Macs are better because they're faster" presents an extremely broad and essentially unsound argument. Sure,
some Mac platforms
may be
somewhat faster than
some Windows platforms, but the keyword is
some. When a user presents this argument, they imply that every Mac platform in existence is better than every Windows platform in existence; due to the fact that virtually all of the world's servers and supercomputers are run on a Windows (sometimes Linux) platform, there is no logical way that this argument can be valid. My server rack workhorse running on four Intel Xeon 3.0 GHz cores is not weaker than some hipster's MacBook.
I have two key reasons why I will never use a Mac: the advertising and the lack of need for one.
Advertising: I absolutely
despise the way Apple advertises its products; they lie about their competition and label many of their products' features as "new" and "innovative" when most of them have really existed in other products for decades.
Lack of need: I don't need a Mac; there would literally be no point in me owning one; every game I own now is played on my Windows computer. There is
nothing a Mac can do that my computer cannot.
Regarding viruses: Macs can, indeed, get viruses, and just as easily as Windows platforms can, in fact. Most Macs are relatively unprotected; they use the Mac equivalent of McAfee Anti-Virus software for protection, i.e., stinky garbage that just sits there and takes up space. The reasoning behind this is malicious software isn't often developed for Macs because Windows makes up a majority of the market share, so why should malware-developers waste time and resources attacking such a small population? That would be like if 49 of the 50 United States of America turned, declared war on and disconnected itself from Rhode Island, or if the European Union on Liechtenstein (which is actually one of the richest countries in the world, but that's a different scenario); the impact would be so microscopic to be noticed. (Though, to be fair, a state, being a state, is pretty large, so that is also a somewhat different scenario, but it's all I could think of that's somewhat funny.)
Rundown: Neither Mac nor Windows is better than the other. If you like doing whatever the heck you want with a computer without borders, invest in a platform that runs Windows; if you're an avid Facebook user who does not a thing more with your time but use your credit card (and use Instagram to hipsterize your petty photos), declare bankruptcy and pick up a Mac platform.
Oh, and Macs do their own great share of problems and bugs. (See MacFixIt)