ya , except the higgs bozon particle was actually found recently...the control particle that was created 1 trillionth of a second after the supposed big bang that pre set and dialed in all the information for every other particle in existence. The universe came preloaded and preset, pre coded, like an ipod suddenly manifesting itself into reality with the quadrillions of playlists all neatly arranged by genre and date. But religious people are the crazies, not the atheists, right?
atheists are just as dumb as fanatical religious nut jobs, refuse to accept that god is a jerk and does not want to control our actions, unable to accept that in this universe and reality complex particles cannot manifest itself out of nothing, that there is nothing for the expanding universe to be contained in to actually exist in the first place, and that perhaps outside of this reality thought transcends physical space and time. Thought and will dreamed up and then manifested into our reality is more than plausible, its actually very close to being proven that a particle can exist in two places and times at once. Atheists claim to be immensely educated and look down upon most others for not being being so scientific in their though processes...pfft. The flip side to that is heavily religious people really think god cares what happens here. God doesn't care, if he did, id be able to walk. Lots of physicists are so smart that they actually have no common sense what so ever, ever watch the big bang theory on tv? Sheldon is a great example of it, no common sense what so ever. But beyond all of that, my favorite theory is evolution. The first appearance of life on earth was a single cell organism that likely popped into existence due to the right chemical imbalance near a smoke stack under water, yet came to be in the most harsh conditions imaginable. Highly acidic water, extreme temperature, crushing pressures and the ability right off the bat to be able to survive under water and know how to reproduce itself. This apparently suddenly happened by the billions...mmhmm
Jesus in single cell form is basically what evolutionists believe is the truth. A pre coded single celled amoeba or something that popped into existence with the ability to survive, adapt and copy itself. It came into existence with everything it needed, it cant have happened any other way if you actually know anything about Biology and DNA. It would have taken millions if not billions of years to "evolve" the traits needed to survive and split, but would have surely almost instantly died off upon its sudden appearance.