The thing is Maxspeed, i just notice the typical behavior of rulebreakers in HA.
No admin logs on, a bunch of rulebreakers start acting up, suddenly a admin logs on an ditches out a ban to the first offender.
Some times the first offender was retaliating to another offense, tough retaliation is bannable, the main reason of the retaliation remains unharmed just to get another victim.
Many times you see push wars going on between players, and these things really annoy admins, since it's up to them to see who's the offender.
Nowadays iv'e just come in the habit in stoping flame-wars to warn/kick/ban both of them regardless of who started it.....
But still it's a pain whenever your on and you can't see it all
Someone yells "admin he TK'ed me" while what happened was that he ran into a fight trying to KS and got himself TK'ed.....
It's fairly hard in HA to please everybody, in JBA what can you do to break the rules?
Glitch? language? and then what? there are other things, but force users in HA have way more rules to be broken, and TK is on, it's not easy and many times frustrating to get anything done, even active players, play less when their made admins.
Which incluides myself, being on a server all day with complaining 10-year-olds that think they know everything while starting flame wars for no apearent reason, with the mind of "rules are meant to be broken" and see how much they can use profanity they barely understand without being banned, isn't really "Fun" when your trying to play a "GAME"
Many think admining is fun, sure banning some idiot alwayes gives a sadisfying feeling, but it will alwayes interupt your game, and many admins have a job, kids, wife, etc...
So gaming becomes a "fun hobby" while JBA is a fun, generally flame-wars free(ill be honest, i can see JBA days without a ban, while in HA DC, your lucky to go an hour without a flame-wars when the server is full)
So spending free time doing that, isn't alwayes fun.......
Anyhow enough of my whining, but at least some may get the point, admining can be very hard.....and stressfull