becoming an Admin

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Re: becoming an Admin

Postby Col. Hstar » Fri Aug 17, 2012 5:53 am

Danguard-Ace wrote:I would like to know who's responsible for this...

The SWGO Community Bureau of Investigation will get right on it.


What I don't understand is why necro a 9 month old post that no one would have remembered :wacko: It's doesn't add up. Unless you just want to remind everyone that you really do want to be an admin :whistling:
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Re: becoming an Admin

Postby Duel of Fates » Fri Aug 17, 2012 8:02 am

Wow, congratulations on Necro-ing the sheet out of this one.
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Re: becoming an Admin

Postby THEWULFMAN » Fri Aug 17, 2012 12:15 pm

I'm with Narg. Seems legit. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I was beginning to miss people being really stupid on this forum, it was getting quiet and boring around here. So thank you danguard-ace! :clap: :appl:
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Re: becoming an Admin

Postby Danguard-Ace » Fri Aug 17, 2012 12:50 pm

Well it would figure, the admins are too intent on accusing to actually check, who is using my name..You guys immediately go into attack mode....your supposed to be better, and handle things inpartially...but it seems like a few make comments and the rest jump jump on board without even a care if its true, or even try to find the truth And I think its more the sith players who tire of me saving kills from all the people you say complain, are usually on the sith side... and I rarely tk.... Yet I sit and watch as you guys suppose things without checking.....And I wouldnt be surprised as to who inpersonated me...Obviously it was someone who had an axe to grind.....and must be of the ones attacking me in this post......
And I may have to push this team mate to save the one next to him.....but I stay til their up...and I try to help....not sit and watch them go down and die...then race in and take the kill...."Its not my job to save them" seems unacceptable in a game that is team based.....Cause you think I spawn camp, and push my team mates away to get their kills? Any one who has played with me, knows this is not the case. Alot of the time a villian is coming in to clean up the heroes unaware...I watch for this, as it is so common...I push him off all them....and I hear it from one of them....sorry, maybe it saved the guy next to you...but that doesnt seem to matter here...Im learning. And Im a little dissapointed at the level of retaliation...from a group who is suppose to insure fair gameplay and good sportsmanship under their gang up on people you dont like...and make comments you know they will believe on the forum.....Is the room for the admins? or the players? Im not sure at this point. I do know some of these admins need to be a little more impartial...and not make comments from a personal standpoint...And when someone comes on to discuss a ban reversal....,and gets attacked by all the admins, cause of the comments of one? Thats just wrong..or telling someone they will get another week added to their ban for being snotty in their reply?.And you know I wouldnt ask this group to be an admin......that was not me. And people shouldnt have to "kiss up" to the admins to be heard...It seems like you are already wrong when you submit the post, and have to beg the admin involved for forgiveness, instead of checking to see if the charge against them is even valid, or some sort of mistake. But busting my chops, and taking stabs at me seems to be priority. I dont think all the admins are responsible, but alot seem to jump on the wagon when another makes a comment.....LIke " I know that admin, and if he says that about this guy...I believe him" I have also read through the post, and am a little taken back at the way the admins usually respond.....Seems bossy, and condiscending like they are children being scolded...Before you drop your wrath down upon me, or pass judgement, read through the posts, at the responses from the admins.(.I was beginning to miss people being really stupid on this forum, it was getting quiet and boring around here. So thank you danguard-ace!) Typical reply...from one Ill leave nameless..It sounds like a ritzy country club you need a membership to get in..... I understand you have to keep order for everyone to enjoy the game, but not that way...the minute you compromise one persons rights, feelings etc. the rest turns to crap, I hope you guys can see this, and get over trying to make me "pay"....and for the record I dont think that week ban was an accident......til after it was challenged on the forum, but that is my opinion, and should be considered as fact.And locking a post after you have had your last say, to end the conversation in your favor is unfair as well.
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Re: becoming an Admin

Postby Darth Crater » Fri Aug 17, 2012 1:40 pm

First - paragraphs. Use them. I didn't read anything past the first line because my eyes literally cannot process it. Trim what you want to say down to two or three sentences, and it'll be much better received. The ridiculous ellipses-as-all-punctuation thing isn't helping either.

Speaking of, all incarnations of you so far have used that same distinctive style. There does not seem to have been any impersonation here.
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Re: becoming an Admin

Postby (=DK=)Samonuh » Fri Aug 17, 2012 3:23 pm

(=DK=)Samonuh wrote:All of these fallacy-laden idea how to respond to them in a 'friendly' rebuttal.

Man, I sounded like a pompous [derriere orifice] back then. I don't know who I was trying to impress.
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Re: becoming an Admin

Postby Duel of Fates » Fri Aug 17, 2012 5:03 pm

The following is the product of a chemical imbalance, lack of sunlight, ADD, a 3 day ban, and overdose of Red Bull. Read it at your own risk. Epileptics should turn away, may cause seizures.
Danguard-Ace wrote:Well it would figure, the admins are too intent on accusing to actually check, who is using my name..You guys immediately go into attack mode....your supposed to be better, and handle things inpartially...but it seems like a few make comments and the rest jump jump on board without even a care if its true, or even try to find the truth And I think its more the sith players who tire of me saving kills from all the people you say complain, are usually on the sith side... and I rarely tk.... Yet I sit and watch as you guys suppose things without checking.....And I wouldnt be surprised as to who inpersonated me...Obviously it was someone who had an axe to grind.....and must be of the ones attacking me in this post......
And I may have to push this team mate to save the one next to him.....but I stay til their up...and I try to help....not sit and watch them go down and die...then race in and take the kill...."Its not my job to save them" seems unacceptable in a game that is team based.....Cause you think I spawn camp, and push my team mates away to get their kills? Any one who has played with me, knows this is not the case. Alot of the time a villian is coming in to clean up the heroes unaware...I watch for this, as it is so common...I push him off all them....and I hear it from one of them....sorry, maybe it saved the guy next to you...but that doesnt seem to matter here...Im learning. And Im a little dissapointed at the level of retaliation...from a group who is suppose to insure fair gameplay and good sportsmanship under their gang up on people you dont like...and make comments you know they will believe on the forum.....Is the room for the admins? or the players? Im not sure at this point. I do know some of these admins need to be a little more impartial...and not make comments from a personal standpoint...And when someone comes on to discuss a ban reversal....,and gets attacked by all the admins, cause of the comments of one? Thats just wrong..or telling someone they will get another week added to their ban for being snotty in their reply?.And you know I wouldnt ask this group to be an admin......that was not me. And people shouldnt have to "kiss up" to the admins to be heard...It seems like you are already wrong when you submit the post, and have to beg the admin involved for forgiveness, instead of checking to see if the charge against them is even valid, or some sort of mistake. But busting my chops, and taking stabs at me seems to be priority. I dont think all the admins are responsible, but alot seem to jump on the wagon when another makes a comment.....LIke " I know that admin, and if he says that about this guy...I believe him" I have also read through the post, and am a little taken back at the way the admins usually respond.....Seems bossy, and condiscending like they are children being scolded...Before you drop your wrath down upon me, or pass judgement, read through the posts, at the responses from the admins.(.I was beginning to miss people being really stupid on this forum, it was getting quiet and boring around here. So thank you danguard-ace!) Typical reply...from one Ill leave nameless..It sounds like a ritzy country club you need a membership to get in..... I understand you have to keep order for everyone to enjoy the game, but not that way...the minute you compromise one persons rights, feelings etc. the rest turns to crap, I hope you guys can see this, and get over trying to make me "pay"....and for the record I dont think that week ban was an accident......til after it was challenged on the forum, but that is my opinion, and should be considered as fact.And locking a post after you have had your last say, to end the conversation in your favor is unfair as well.
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Re: becoming an Admin

Postby Danguard-Ace » Fri Aug 17, 2012 5:30 pm

Your funny Fates, as usual you dont look into anything, but mock the people instead. Oh, and crater that person said 1 sentence. Dont know how you can assume that the "style" is the same...your reaching. Why dont you look into it with the zeal you have for persecuting me? I cant believe you would think that I would want to be an admin in here, that should have been your first clue, it wasnt me. Enough admins in here already.......
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Re: becoming an Admin

Postby Bryant » Fri Aug 17, 2012 5:52 pm

Danguard-Ace wrote:Your funny Fates, as usual you dont look into anything, but mock the people instead. Oh, and crater that person said 1 sentence. Dont know how you can assume that the "style" is the same...your reaching. Why dont you look into it with the zeal you have for persecuting me? I cant believe you would think that I would want to be an admin in here, that should have been your first clue, it wasnt me. Enough admins in here already.......

You're using the same account... I doesn't require any looking into, it's quite obvious that you are the same person that made the first post.
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Re: becoming an Admin

Postby Col. Hstar » Fri Aug 17, 2012 6:07 pm

Danguard-Ace wrote:Your funny Fates, as usual you dont look into anything, but mock the people instead. Oh, and crater that person said 1 sentence. Dont know how you can assume that the "style" is the same...your reaching. Why dont you look into it with the zeal you have for persecuting me? I cant believe you would think that I would want to be an admin in here, that should have been your first clue, it wasnt me. Enough admins in here already.......

Ok so you don't want to be an admin. I think that's the position all the people took before you necroed the topic. So whats the problem now???

If you say someone stole your screen name, make a new one and start fresh. No big deal. The time and energy you are putting into this "False Danguard" means you must want something......

By the way are you claiming all these reports are the "imposter"?
Danguard Ace
Danguard Ace Again
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Anbu Ikusa Incident Funny side point. You seem to have already made another screen name yet you have access to this account as well.

Bottom line if you don't want anything from SWGO then drop it. No one is saying you can't play in the servers (Unless you were banned for rule breaking) if you want to create a different account then fine. But this crusade you're on about someone posing as you in an account you control is pointless and not very believable.
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