I apologize as this may be a long post:
A couple days ago I was playing battlefront and this guy SSJ something joined in and made somewhat of a sexist comment. I believe it was something along the lines of"GIRLS PLAY THIS?" feeling somewhat offended, I stated I was a girl which ended up being a huge and annoying mistake.
This guy was SO annoying. He then started trying to hit on me ( like no this is a video game) to the point where I was added my "I am Pissed" . To the end of my sentences when he asked something. I called him out on this, and he got all defendant then left. Came back as another name, and tryed to play it off as my brother did this. This guy WOULD not leave me alone. He kept saying sorry blah blah blah.
I somewhat think this was harassment... And as a girl in the battlefront community I was asking if there could be some rules regarding this type of behavior on the servers? Its very annoying. I don't play Battlefront to get hit on by people I DON'T know personally. I play to play, and it pisses me off when people think otherwise.
Thank you for reading my somewhat rant. :)
Sorry for the bad grammar, I'm typing on my itouch.
(If and Admin wants to post the logs, I'm sure we'd all have a good laugh)