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Re: Whats going on?

Postby Scrumtralescent » Thu Sep 06, 2012 5:13 am

Femme Fatale wrote:
11_Panama_ wrote:
Femme Fatale wrote:I was switched as well. I defeated Talon Kardde with Aayla, and he immediately switched me. This has been happening a lot with Scrum as well. At the time I was upset because i was waiting to play heroes for a while, and i get switched for no real good reason. So i left the server upset, i may have expressed it as i was leaving, but didn't curse or anything.....Then i find myself banned. Without even cussing or anything. Wow. I don't remember these servers EVER being run like they are now, and i've played since 2005. Whoever is doing this 'switching' really upsets players and takes the fun out.

So you've been playing here since 2005 and 7 years later, you decide to come to the forums and back up a player that's having issues with admins? Not buying it. Sorry.

I'm not backing up anybody, I'm just saying that i've had a similar experience in the server. I've never had any reason to come to the forums until recently due to this 'switching' issue. You don't have to 'buy' anything i say. It's funny how u guys are getting so defensive. I'm just saying what happened. I don't wish to argue, i'd just like to state my side. Nice way to welcome a new member of your forum, by the way.

Conversely, you don't make a very good first impression by coming here accusing admins of wrongdoing, especially when you have no proof besides your own word. Just so you know, switching happens when the admin feels teams are imbalanced, or when someone continually does things to ensure he gets his preferred side over and over. I'm sorry you feel that you were switched because you were beating a certain admin, but that's just not how it works. That said, welcome to the forum and hopefully you'll have a better experience here.
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Re: Whats going on?

Postby 11_Panama_ » Thu Sep 06, 2012 5:52 am

[/quote] I've never had any reason to come to the forums until recently due to this 'switching' issue. [/quote]

You said this happened a couple of weeks ago, why come now with this? You have to understand that this particular incident with Dan, just happened. Then you come waltzing in with the same accusations...after a "couple of weeks". Still not buying it. :whistling:
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Re: Whats going on?

Postby Col. Hstar » Thu Sep 06, 2012 5:53 am

Femme Fatale wrote: Nice way to welcome a new member of your forum, by the way.

You'll have to understand that when you introduce yourself accusing admins of being petty abusive tyrants, (not your words but the impression you are giving) what kind of response were you expecting. You don't like someone calling you out right away, yet that's just what you're doing.
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Re: Whats going on?

Postby Duel of Fates » Thu Sep 06, 2012 8:36 am

Danguard-Ace wrote:In the assault room tonight, I find myself switched to villains, and even though Ive played villain everytime I land on it,

I have done nothing wrong, and have been extra careful to follow the rules.

When you come on here and out and out lie, it gets a little hard to take you seriously.

First, you do not play vills everytime you land on it. I and many other admins have witnessed you do the leave/join two step until you get heros. Sometimes it takes you five or six tries before you get it, but you keep leaving and joining until you get what you want. Lie number one.

Second, you Team Push, Team Kill, Kill Steal, all the while you claim to be "saving" your team mates. These are rules you break on a daily basis and has earned you little respect from any of the admins who have witnessed your "heroic" attempts to save your team mates, who might not want you pushing them in the back while they are engaged in battle with a vill. Lie number two.

I personally have no problem with you if you like to play heros all the time, especially when I am on the vills. You are easy to kill and predictable. I just watch where the fighting is and look for the vulture waiting to [Richard] up someone elses game, and there you are. I shudder when I am on heros though, and have to trust you to play a good game. Mainly because I will be fighting someone and you come rushing in like a bull in a China shop pushing your team mates around and then "guarding" them when they try to recover. Its a big map, but I always seem to have you lurking at my back while I am fighting someone.

You also like to retaliate when you "think" you are ksd. Which is also against the rules.

I have also switched you in the past when you jump in and out of the game to get heros. It is not just Scrum that you have a problem with, and I am not the only other admin watching your antics.

And as far as Femme is concerned, I am with Pan on this one. I find it very convenient that since you have no one to back up your claims of admin abuse regarding this topic of switching teams, someone jumps into the conversation from out of the blue with the same allegations. You are a piece of work Ace. Maybe a month ban is in order.
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Re: Whats going on?

Postby Danguard-Ace » Thu Sep 06, 2012 12:54 pm

Since I was banned for week, I have done nothing. I have not left and come back. I have refrained from "helping". I was also villains twice out of the last 3 or 4 times I played. You don't know what happened, probably didn't even look at the logs....I came on and voiced my concern...so it would be on record in here. I didn't ask for any action. And because someone else says they had it happen, you threaten me with a month ban? Ive have complied in the rooms. 'I'm not asking for anything. And instead of checking on this, even with someone else complaining, it is dismissed..that person must be lying? I don't even know who the admin was, this is not personal for me, but apparently it is for some. Matt suggested some "bending" on my part. I have.. And there is no need to make derogatory comments. Don't worry I wont be posting on here..... It seems everyone who has a problem here, runs the risk of being banned. And you all know I was switched to bust my balls, and the way I was pounced upon, just enforces it to me. If this is not the case, I wish the admin that was on would let me know what happened. And if I was switched to balance the teams, before everyone was even in the room, because Im such a good villain? Just didnt seem to make sense. And scrum in reply to you..cant help but notice that I got switched to villains, when you spawned as heroes...and I know you don't like me, so hard not to take personal. Yes I noticed that....lol. And cause Im not sure...since I didnt really do anything in the room, Is the 1 month ban, I should get, for voicing my concerns on the forum? If that is the case I wont post on here again...problem solved.
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Re: Whats going on?

Postby WD-40 » Thu Sep 06, 2012 1:18 pm

I think the root of the problem Ace, is that you have a hard time chatting in-game without sounding like a disruptive self-centered arrogant ass. (Yeah, we saw the chat log). I guess your reputation for always spawning/re-spawning as a 'Hero' to avoid being a 'Villian' is disruptive, as it messes up the team balance. I'd suggest you:

1) Stop being a disruptive self-centered arrogant ass, and
2) Learn to play Villians too to show some skills to the other HA players and earn respect from them.
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Re: Whats going on?

Postby Danguard-Ace » Thu Sep 06, 2012 2:09 pm

I get windu because I join the next match right away, instead of preening over my kills. So if I get it too many times the admin just moves you to make sure your fighting as villain too? It just seems a little biased that the admin is a player, and can affect the other players performance with their position. And sorry for voicing my concerns in the game...aggressively. Alot of crap goes on in there...Like spawn killing...why is it allowed? If it cant be monitored, why not increase the spawn time invulnerabiltiy to 5 seconds? I dont like unfairness , this is true. When seeing choking on the spawn over and over, and the whole enemy team (both sides do this) is trying to pad their score with free kills? Or watching your team mate die in front of you, so you dont kill him yourself when you dash the enemy? People like Dread get 60 kills while everyone else gets 15 points, as he steals every kill in sight with double pulling aayla to get back his spot on the "board", ruining the game for the rest, and your worried I might get Windu? Cause he is such a powerhouse... Its not like I go for the easy win characters. I dont like villains because I dont want to run the risk of affecting team mates, I also have been heroes for years, hard at the spur of the moment not to attack villains when you are one...conditioning....lol. And finding something "hard to believe" is not proof either. And cause someone else posts the same problem, I get threatened with a month ban. How would you not take that as a personal attack?
I am Windu, cause I can help my team the best with him...I save people from villains..and they dont like it...sorry, and I save people I cant stand as well....
I don't spawn kill so you know points aren't my driving force....I am probably 1 of the few that dont spawn kill, why would I steal from my team, when that would be easier. I shouldnt have to be a character I dont like, to show anything to anyone else either. And this game has little "skill" with all the advantage of the keyboard and mouse, and whatever lock ons, glitches, center blocking etc. My problem is that I question things I dont think are fair....and then pay for it. And for the record I see the same people on villains all the time.....
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Re: Whats going on?

Postby Col. Hstar » Thu Sep 06, 2012 2:25 pm

For crying out loud use the enter key. Give us a paragraph break so we can stop rest our eyes an take a breather before diving back into more of your rhetoric.

Why are all our problem people using the name "Ace" :lol:
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Re: Whats going on?

Postby Son » Thu Sep 06, 2012 5:03 pm

Ace, I am on the admin this time, but I am positive I have done that to you a time or two or 10. Constantly leaving and joining to get the faction you want is disruptive and just plain being a poor sport. Its a game, learn to play the other side and enjoy it.

Oh yes, when I have switched you from hero to villians I was only spectating. I spectate quite frequently when I am working on other projects on the computer. So if I notice your behavior while working, it means that you are doing it frequently.
Welcome to SWGO....Enjoy your ban

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Re: Whats going on?

Postby FaiL.? » Thu Sep 06, 2012 7:49 pm

Ace, it's a team switch. Team. Switch. Mature people on this Earth do a little thing called let it go....
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