Why? No response?

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Re: Why? No response?

Postby Duel of Fates » Mon Sep 10, 2012 10:06 pm

(clnrs)Cloner wrote:I shouldn't say no reason, but in past times I haven't had the best time with an admin. Not that I don't respect the admins, I do. It's just that sometimes they don't reply to my inquires after the fact and don't say anything. What do you think though duel? I didn't play as luke today but it was a luke that intentionally tked and I got the kick? This may not mean much to you guys for lack of proof but MaxSpeed (otherwise known now as (SWGO)KanGaRoo(clnrs) in game) was spectating me at the time and I was playing yoda up till I got booted according to him. I hope you guys believe me and that this was a misunderstanding. If not I do/will conform and am sorry. (I don't mean to annoy or whine, Sorry :/)

yes, but you are whining and annoying.

First off, you got kicked, not banned. If it was mistaken identity, so be it. If your blowing smoke, your not making yourself look good. Scrum is pretty good at what he does and if he saw you tk, intentionally, then I would have to side with him. You are not above some ks, tk, tp, and a few other initials when you think no one is watching.

Second, this is a big waste of time.
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Re: Why? No response?

Postby Femme Fatale » Tue Sep 11, 2012 1:17 am

Duel of Fates wrote:
(clnrs)Cloner wrote:I shouldn't say no reason, but in past times I haven't had the best time with an admin. Not that I don't respect the admins, I do. It's just that sometimes they don't reply to my inquires after the fact and don't say anything. What do you think though duel? I didn't play as luke today but it was a luke that intentionally tked and I got the kick? This may not mean much to you guys for lack of proof but MaxSpeed (otherwise known now as (SWGO)KanGaRoo(clnrs) in game) was spectating me at the time and I was playing yoda up till I got booted according to him. I hope you guys believe me and that this was a misunderstanding. If not I do/will conform and am sorry. (I don't mean to annoy or whine, Sorry :/)

yes, but you are whining and annoying.

First off, you got kicked, not banned. If it was mistaken identity, so be it. If your blowing smoke, your not making yourself look good. Scrum is pretty good at what he does and if he saw you tk, intentionally, then I would have to side with him. You are not above some ks, tk, tp, and a few other initials when you think no one is watching.

Second, this is a big waste of time.

Wow, what a jerk thing to react to a good player. I've played cloner, and he's kicked my butt on many occasions. He's good. I'd take his opinion seriously. Of course u admins are always going to 'side' with each other. I've never heard of you guys doing otherwise. And scrum IS NOT good at what he does. It's a joke that he even got admin powers IMO. I've seen him abuse them time and again.

This is not a waste of time. It's members of your 'community' calling out the reliability of your administrators. But apparently no one has any balls because they're scared they're going to be booted. Sad....reminds me of.....Germany circa 1939
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Re: Why? No response?

Postby Col. Hstar » Tue Sep 11, 2012 1:26 am

Femme Fatale wrote:This is not a waste of time. It's members of your 'community' calling out the reliability of your administrators.

Yeah here is why just so you know:

Femme Fatale wrote:But apparently no one has any balls because they're scared they're going to be booted. Sad....reminds me of.....Germany circa 1939

Only morons would compare a perceived injustice in a video game, to real injustice and genocide. Great job, you've just shown what kind of quality moron you are.
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Re: Why? No response?

Postby Femme Fatale » Tue Sep 11, 2012 1:38 am

Femme Fatale wrote:But apparently no one has any balls because they're scared they're going to be booted. Sad....reminds me of.....Germany circa 1939

Only morons would compare a perceived injustice in a video game, to real injustice and genocide. Great job, you've just shown what kind of quality moron you are.[/quote]

HAHA. Just take a look at your avatar and tell me it doesn't remind you of something in Germany. Oh, and so far i've been called 'douche' and 'moron' by you guys. Nice maturity. Got any other insults for me while i post the truth?
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Re: Why? No response?

Postby ATCStewart » Tue Sep 11, 2012 2:40 am

Does the "truth" come with evidence? Of course not.
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Re: Why? No response?

Postby Bailey » Tue Sep 11, 2012 2:54 am

Well I was not there it observe the situation, however I can say I appreciate your attitude and respect the way in which you approached the forums. I wish everybody was as gracious as you when posting on here.
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Re: Why? No response?

Postby Duel of Fates » Tue Sep 11, 2012 3:02 am

Femme Fatale wrote:
Femme Fatale wrote:But apparently no one has any balls because they're scared they're going to be booted. Sad....reminds me of.....Germany circa 1939

Only morons would compare a perceived injustice in a video game, to real injustice and genocide. Great job, you've just shown what kind of quality moron you are.

HAHA. Just take a look at your avatar and tell me it doesn't remind you of something in Germany. Oh, and so far i've been called 'douche' and 'moron' by you guys. Nice maturity. Got any other insults for me while i post the truth?[/quote]

I havent called anyone, anything, yet. And you are pretty sad with comparisons like that. It tells me that you have not matured enough to understand the gravity of what you speak. Go to school, get an education. Don't skimp on it, force the teachers to teach you. You need it.
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Re: Why? No response?

Postby WD-40 » Tue Sep 11, 2012 3:06 am

Femme Fatale wrote:HAHA. Just take a look at your avatar and tell me it doesn't remind you of something in Germany. Oh, and so far i've been called 'douche' and 'moron' by you guys. Nice maturity. Got any other insults for me while i post the truth?

No insults, but a fact you should know. Whether or not a player is good is irrelevant. The behavior and history of the player is relevant. You are relatively new here on the forums Femme, so I'll explain what you obviously do not know, or choose to ignore. Players (especially ones with a history of cheating or being disruptive) come to the ban reversal thread to complain that they've been 'victimized' again and again and again...sometimes from a certain Admin, and amazingly, by the entire Admin Staff, calling us names and labeling us as a bunch 'of Hitlers' and such (as you just did in a round about way). Virtually every time this happens, the complainer is caught in a lie, or has mislead the facts of what actually occurred. We take picking our Admins very seriously in order to babysit the cheaters and disruptive players so we can keep the servers clean and fun. Don't like our Admin choices or how the servers are run, then leave!

We take the job itself very seriously too. We don't get off having to slap irresponsible players around in game as we would rather be 'playing' the game ourselves and having fun like many of the players do. However, there are certain established and newer players who would rather cheat for points, or have their own version of fun by breaking the rules or being disruptive. They get warned, or kicked, or banned, or a combination there of.

Now...just to be clear... THEIR IS NO RULE THAT SAYS AN ADMIN HAS TO WARN, BEFORE WE KICK OR BAN!!..PERIOD! Cloner was merely kicked. It could have been worse. Yet he 'complained' about just being kicked, although the initial tone on the first post was professionally written.

As Haasdog famously and wisely said: "SWGO is not a Democracy!"

We are a Game Server with guys and gals who babysit the Servers! Dammit, just play on, have fun. Stop whining cause you got kicked, and if someone comes here claiming they didn't do something when, in fact, they did...then I say perma ban the offender, and let's play on.
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Re: Why? No response?

Postby [m'kay] » Tue Sep 11, 2012 4:01 am

Femme Fatale wrote:But apparently no one has any balls because they're scared they're going to be booted. Sad....reminds me of.....Germany circa 1939

So what, is this the Night of Shattered Blasters then?
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Re: Why? No response?

Postby bothan » Tue Sep 11, 2012 4:42 am

Wow this reminds me of a real life court situation where only the people who were there will ever know what happened because there just isn't any evidence either way! And just like a police officer's word is assumed to be the truth over a random person on here the Admin is assumed to be telling the truth. Not surprising or necessarily a bad system but there can be loosers if an Admin chooses to lie.

*I'm not saying anyone lied!
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