Col. Homestar wrote:I'm still trying to figure out what proof there was that this was or has anything to do with SWGO. Seriously is this the first time you guys have had to deal with Internet idiots? According to your own members rules are not as tight as they are here. Granted those thing go beyond decency but it could just as we'll be one of your members.
I have to agree with KOko this seems more and more like a way to get attention for the JOG site. I doubt I'm alone in saying that till these couple of threads I had never heard of the site.
It comes down to this. You guys had a moron log onto your site. Boot him ban him but don't start pointing fingers at people here unless you have some ounce of proof. Also just for the record, this was not me even though there was some confusion that someone thought I was on there, I've never was.
There is no proof it was SWGO that did this, if you would read the first post it specifically states we're not accusing, just looking for a answer. If this was a attempt to draw attention to the site why didn't we just make a post and bump it repeatedly till we got banned? Sure we'd have been banned but EVERYONE would know what our site was, so......
We know who our members are, and we have every single one of they're IP's and for one, none of them match. And two it would be a simple er for us to find out if it was a JOG member doing this type of stuff, so I highly doubt it was one of our members.
And no one seemed to read what I have said early, the troll and the assorted accounts have already been banned off our site. It's been taken care of as far as that goes, we just want to see if it is possible that it came from here, that is all.