JOG challenges SWGO

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Re: JOG challenges SWGO

Postby {JOG}Neji » Thu Oct 04, 2012 3:44 am

I can agree on a 200 point game being a bit long, but it mostly depends on the players. If both teams are campy... it'll take forever. In a 6v6 I feel 150 would be necessary unless you guys are huge campers. From what I've seen you aren't so it'll be a normal length match. Lol.

But yeah like I said Crater, we will play a a match with all SWGO rules if you guys are willing to play a match with all JOG rules. I feel like it would give both of us the opportunity to run a skirmish the way we want too. SWGO can host the match when its their turn to do rules and we can do the same. Of course centerblock will be used, but it doesn't get abused much on PS2. People are really good about not abusing it unless they are lesser players.
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Re: JOG challenges SWGO

Postby KOko » Thu Oct 04, 2012 7:46 am

Once again you JOG guys are out of the loop.

You are the challengers as I see this. The challenged has the right to choose the rules. This is the basic ruleset for duels since the medieval age.
Learn to challenge.

We dont care about PS2 rules. Your reasons do not concern us. We got our rules estabilished for years from an official competitive community -

If you havent get it by now - SWGO do not needs your challenge. It was never competitive community and the few members who ever competed are retired for years.
Those who will agree to play with you had never played as a team together before. There is no Victory for you here. You will never be better than SWGO. All you can get is some fun, eventually...
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Re: JOG challenges SWGO

Postby (SWGO)Minas_Thirith » Thu Oct 04, 2012 8:22 am

Well i haven't responded to the request of doing one match PC rules and another match doing PS2 rules just because it's not my call.

Some players feel like some of the PS2 rules as a "taboo" since said rules are things that we haven't been allowed to do for 7 years
It's not my call because if players in this team refuse to play under said rules then there can be no match.
Personally for myself i don't care that much but then again i wouldn't choke.

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Re: JOG challenges SWGO

Postby {JOG}Neji » Thu Oct 04, 2012 10:24 am

KOko wrote:Once again you JOG guys are out of the loop.

You are the challengers as I see this. The challenged has the right to choose the rules. This is the basic ruleset for duels since the medieval age.
Learn to challenge.

We dont care about PS2 rules. Your reasons do not concern us. We got our rules estabilished for years from an official competitive community -

If you havent get it by now - SWGO do not needs your challenge. It was never competitive community and the few members who ever competed are retired for years.
Those who will agree to play with you had never played as a team together before. There is no Victory for you here. You will never be better than SWGO. All you can get is some fun, eventually...

I think you're missing the point Koko... This is for fun. We came here looking to play against clans for fun. We aren't keeping a record of any sort, and we aren't going competitive. We just want to play against clans/communities and do in-clans just to get a kick and some fun out of the game. As for the PC rules, well durp. Of course a lot of our rules are taboo to you guys. I am just saying it would be nice to do a skirmish with both your rules and our rules. Just for FUN, like I've stated probably ten or more times now.

If we came here looking to compete I would not have brought up SWGO because this is a community and not a clan. I knew even before I bought PC that SWGO did not compete. But we're looking to play in a large scrimmage with both rule sets for FUN. Not to COMPETE. I think you are the one that is out of the loop if you can't comprehend a simple offer to have some fun.
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Re: JOG challenges SWGO

Postby {JOG}Neji » Thu Oct 04, 2012 10:29 am

If this were something that's actually going to be serious I would have proposed this as an official clan match and not a skirmish. Like I said, we want to have some FUN. I'm sure you guys want to have some FUN and not COMPETE as well. I haven't been competing on PS2 for years now. But I play 1vs1 and scrimmages all the time for FUN. Not to WIN. Not to prove I'm better. For FUN. I don't understand how one can't decipher the word fun and see how it can be applied to a little bit of heated play.

JOG in no way is trying to prove who is inferior or superior here. We want to have some FUN. F-U-N. We could lose to you guys 200-100 or beat you by that score and I couldn't care less. I just want to escape from the noobs of public servers and have some fun with solid players. My clan mates want the same and I'm sure some of you guys get tired of dealing with the noobs of public rooms.
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Re: JOG challenges SWGO

Postby Son » Thu Oct 04, 2012 12:11 pm

{JOG}Neji wrote:I just want to escape from the noobs of public servers and have some fun with solid players. My clan mates want the same and I'm sure some of you guys get tired of dealing with the noobs of public rooms.

Whats wrong with noobs on the public servers? :innocent:
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Re: JOG challenges SWGO

Postby KOko » Thu Oct 04, 2012 1:52 pm

JOGRaul wrote:...we are looking forward for exciting and challenging teams to face... of the strongest clans and we want to have a Match... ...if Your clan is brave enough to face the Best clan this game has ever seen... ...we wont get a No as an answer to our challenge...

{JOG}Neji wrote:...This is for fun... ...we aren't going competitive... ...I knew even before I bought PC that SWGO did not compete... ...for FUN. Not to COMPETE...

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Re: JOG challenges SWGO

Postby JOGRaul » Thu Oct 04, 2012 2:29 pm

Yeah smart boy after i figured out SWGO wasnt a clan everything change,, nice use of 1 week old post. Minas so how are we feeling about this? We can do a match as we talked about and give time to your players to decide of doing 2 more next weekend as Neji said, we just wanna play good players you know?
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Re: JOG challenges SWGO

Postby (SWGO)Minas_Thirith » Thu Oct 04, 2012 2:33 pm

Yea, I'll be quite honest, idk if it's the rules, or the fact no one is into a competition anymore, but very few players were interested, fewer can make it.

For now i have 4 players, and 2 of them aren't happy about the rules, and actually posted that in this thread...

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Re: JOG challenges SWGO

Postby Col. Hstar » Thu Oct 04, 2012 2:40 pm

Nice putting down the "public server noobs" in a public server community. :roll: but your not being competitive right? It's 2012 the game came out in 2004 it's the "public server noobs" who are keeping the game popular. I never played competitively, I didn't even start playing online till about 3 years ago, but I've enjoyed the game for the past 8 years having "FUN".

BTW reading this thread is FUN
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