Look pal...I can have a laugh and enjoy banter with players on the server as much as the next person. What I could have done was to warn and ban you straight away but no I decide to give you five minutes to stop what you were doing before I kicked you then another five minutes with you on chat. Let's not forgot the reason for the kick etc now shall we!
The first time you apologised was after you had been kicked, prior to that I did not see anything towards the team or me directly stating that you were sorry for team pushing and acting stupid.
The server is often frequented by players who come here to team push, team kill, glitch etc and then indicate afterwards how the admin was badly treating them and abusing them.
If players act like idiots in-game towards their team and subsequently break the server rules then you will be treated like an idiot until you decide to act differently. I do not have the time to spend baby-sitting every trouble-causing player and wrap them up in cotton wool to make them feel nice about their actions.
If you act like a clown, you will be treated as such. Learn from it and move on...or don't, it's up to you.