Clarifying questions and some suggestions

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Re: Clarifying questions and some suggestions

Postby CommanderOtto » Sun Nov 18, 2012 5:21 pm

you may call me cheap but I like double pulling. Don't you double push or choke with the sith? It is the same thing. All of these actions are using the force. Unfortunately we don't have a no force server anymore and I would gladly play without the force if that server came back... but in this server people can use the force and most people use it, so we can't complain about it.

and regarding the swearing, no way. There are people who don't know when and where to stop when it comes to swearing. You give some room to it and people start talking about sex, drugs and the most insulting words. :geek:

and don't think we don't like your suggestions because we have some kind of grudge or something. I am just responding to the suggestions you are proposing and I simply don't think they will work.
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Re: Clarifying questions and some suggestions

Postby Col. Hstar » Sun Nov 18, 2012 5:31 pm

Eyes Only wrote:Homestar, we are operating on borrowed time. Please take that bad attitude elsewhere. You need to understand that JOG isn't from around here and is having extreme difficulty adapting to the new system, they need time to adjust.

Not sure where you get the "bad attitude" nonsense from. My comments were not directed at the JOG group as shown by the fact that I did mention the JOG group anywhere. It was directed at black who - even though Hassd0g locked his last topic - started a new one because he wants to be allowed to curse. People who habitually break the rules despite repeated warnings aren't given "time to adjust" they are warned, kicked, the banned too. Don't suggest special treatment for others simply because they're part of a large group.

My point is your criticism of my comments seemed unnecessary, If you're trying to sound like an impartial ambassador between SWGO and JOG pick a different post to pick on. There are by my count 12 other members who have stated similar things to this same individual, and 1 other who actually attacks the JOG community (not that I mind :whistling: )
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Re: Clarifying questions and some suggestions

Postby Eyes Only » Sun Nov 18, 2012 6:20 pm

Col. Homestar wrote:My point is your criticism of my comments seemed unnecessary, If you're trying to sound like an impartial ambassador between SWGO and JOG pick a different post to pick on. There are by my count 12 other members who have stated similar things to this same individual, and 1 other who actually attacks the JOG community (not that I mind :whistling: )

oh, sorry homestar, i thought i edited it to cover everyone, not just you. must have not saved it (it was 4:30AM). Also, matters are managed internally by JOG, and myself. They should be treated as if they know better, however I sympathize with them due to the difficulty of my own transition. Most people here don't understand how difficult it is to cold turkey years of teachings about whats right and whats wrong. If SWGO had been that mean to me initially, I would have left and never come back. I will deal with black myself, if there are further issues with him or other JOG members, let me know.

{JOG}Black wrote:Hey,

I wasn't meaning to be offensive in any way. The topic name implies exactly what I was trying to do. Guess you guys don't like gay, I will respect that.

Juking isn't moving left to right? It's that Luke move where you sprint and tap R1 (err the swing button). It infinitely allows you to run because it regenerates.

Why exactly is slow run banned? Is it because you can avoid choke with it or you guys don't like its regeneration or what? If it's the regeneration, juking accomplishes the same thing -_-. Also, sprinting allows you to evade choke. You can sprint out of reach and then turn, accomplished the same thing. I just sprint behind someone and then push. With slow run I'd maybe save a bit of energy, but unless someone is inf choke following me I can save energy with a juke.

Also, is choking, switching, and then quickly killing someone allowed? I know just inf choking someone down isn't allowed, but I've seen your admins use this. Also, is choke, switch, saber throw, choke, drop so the saber hits allowed? I've seen several admins use this. Just want to know precisely what you call inf choke.

Just don't understand why some of these rules are in place.

Uber-defensive people : perhaps you could just think a little about my suggestions? They're merrily suggestions. No need to get all up in arms. Just please think about them. Honestly, disallowing slow run and allowing quad pulling seems sort of arbitrary and silly. Again, though, these are just friendly suggestions coming from one of your active players.

I will not tolerate misbehavior from JOG members on SWGO forums or servers. With that being said, black, rules are rules. This is PC, not PS2. You need to leave everything behind and start anew. They WILL NOT change a long-standing rules system for you or anyone else. I gave you your options. This isn't a topic to nitpick about possible violations. I suggest you stop complaining and play.
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Re: Clarifying questions and some suggestions

Postby Col. Hstar » Sun Nov 18, 2012 6:36 pm

No problem Eyes. I get what your saying about transition and all, if it was just a few instances of slip of the fingers it would be fine, but then there's the added step of suggesting policy change simply because he wants to call people gay.... To be honest I would say his attitude supplied the poo he's getting, we're just heaping it on to him :)
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Re: Clarifying questions and some suggestions

Postby Eyes Only » Sun Nov 18, 2012 6:57 pm

Col. Homestar wrote:No problem Eyes. I get what your saying about transition and all, if it was just a few instances of slip of the fingers it would be fine, but then there's the added step of suggesting policy change simply because he wants to call people gay.... To be honest I would say his attitude supplied the poo he's getting, we're just heaping it on to him :)

I didnt know he had made more than one topic on the particular issue (nobody mentioned it in the previous posts, and i dont do the forums) so i was going off the info of this topic only. I dont know if you were around at the time, but i myself was freaking out about the rules when i first came here. i thought the exact same thing as he did when i first came here. I thought the difference in rules was stupid at first, but then they grew on me, no cursing here and there, and i found myself using less foul language in my day to day life. Now i enforce them :1402:
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Re: Clarifying questions and some suggestions

Postby {JOG}Black » Sun Nov 18, 2012 7:15 pm


It is very easy to enforce. There are two ways. One, just kick/ban when people double pull. It's what we do on PS2 sometimes.

The other way is to change the amount of stamina that pull takes away. E.g. 1 pull uses entire stamina bar. We've done this before too. None of us even think of double pulling anymore. It's habit. I can help with this if you need help.

Double pull/triple pull IS an exploit. You really think the makers intended for you to be able to pull someone from most of the map away several times to your feet so that you can just noob swing and kill them? No.

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Re: Clarifying questions and some suggestions

Postby 11_Panama_ » Sun Nov 18, 2012 7:43 pm

Mr Black, I don't appreciate a fairly newcommer to our servers coming in and basicly telling us we need to change. We have been around for quite a bit, we have tried and tested our policies for a long time now. While you believe that you are just making suggestions, my impression of you (and JOG, due to your inability to let things go) has taken a turn towards "bothersome". Please, just play and have fun, our rules are in place after years of trials and errors. Your previous post ran it's course and was locked, there was no need to restart another post. Your reluctance to accept our explanations of our rules and server protocols is becoming a bit bothersome. As I stated in your first post, create a server yourself and set the rules that you see fit. I ask the forum Admins to please lock this thread before things get nasty...I can totaly see that happening here.
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Re: Clarifying questions and some suggestions

Postby (SWGO)Kren » Sun Nov 18, 2012 7:50 pm

{JOG}Black wrote:SirPepsi,

It is very easy to enforce. There are two ways. One, just kick/ban when people double pull. It's what we do on PS2 sometimes.

The other way is to change the amount of stamina that pull takes away. E.g. 1 pull uses entire stamina bar. We've done this before too. None of us even think of double pulling anymore. It's habit. I can help with this if you need help.

Double pull/triple pull IS an exploit. You really think the makers intended for you to be able to pull someone from most of the map away several times to your feet so that you can just noob swing and kill them? No.

This WILL make games so much more fun. Trust me.

{JOG}Black: The majority of people can deal with the double pulling etc and have done for years. Those people who want to play 'no force' or have a server modded to match their gaming needs play elsewhere. SWGO hero assault is what it is. Double/tripple pulling is not an exploit and never has been, it's over-powered but hey learn to block, use the terrain and don't give pullers the opportunity to use this again you.

The game is fun now for the majority, the minority complain about pull, push, choke etc but yet here we are on SWGO HA servers years since the game came out and guess what, it's still going strong. If it ain't broke then it don't need fixing now does it?

If you in {JOG} have a modded server and want to play that way then that's up to you guys, we in SWGO have a different server and that's how it is.


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Re: Clarifying questions and some suggestions

Postby Col. Hstar » Sun Nov 18, 2012 8:12 pm

Also if I might add one more point (Yep beating a dead horse) the community JOG is what is new not its players. Most of the players have been in SWGO servers for a while and should already know the rules.

As far as something like the double pull you just have to learn to play around it. I for one hate the dark trooper glitch but I have to play around it because the jury is still out. If it ends up that its allowed I'll live with it, but I won't curse people out for using it. Like Pan and Kren said use a different server if you prefer different rule sets.
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Re: Clarifying questions and some suggestions

Postby (SWGO)Minas_Thirith » Sun Nov 18, 2012 8:46 pm

Black, to answer your questions about swearing:

The reason we ban it is because many(and by that i mean the majority) of the SWBFII PC players that roam the servers are under 18, in fact if I'm not mistaken the majority are around 12.
For said reason SWGO made a "family friendly" environment, thus anything above i believe idiot isn't allowed.

About your "suggestions"
This is PC, not PS2 we've been playing by these rules since the game got out, changing these rules because anyone came over from another console and believes they should change isn't gonna work.

About double pulling, i believe it's cheap, and overpowered, however it's allowed why?
Well it's quite simple, our hero assault server is a "any force is allowed" with the exception of exploits AKA: Non-intended buggs being used for an advantage.
Double pulling is as much an exploit as double pushing is.....and if you didn't get it, double pushing ain't an exploit

However infinite-choking, choke-lighting, slow-running etc are non-intended bugs, besides it being pretty obvious PC SWF2 has been totally taken apart piece by piece.
Many modders know this game better then the makers of it, and with actual proof they can show how some things like infinites are bugs, not intended and thus banned.

I doubt this thread will remain open very that the points have been given by both parties.

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