Is it that this is happening more often, or are we hearing about it more?
Is this the "everyone gets a trophy" and "you can't spank your kids" generation coming to hit the cold hard wall of reality as an adult?
Is this because social media and the day of texting each other in the same room has retarded social skills in our young?
Is this because "love thy neighbor" has turned to "expect thy neighbor to mind his damn business unless he thinks like me"?
I ask these questions every time I see something like this. When I grew up, we played out side, there were block parties, everyone knew everyone, you weren't "special" unless you did something to earn it. When I messed up I got told or smacked.
It hits hardest when its young kids. No parent should outlive their child. I wish I could catch this kind of thing before it happened, just once. I'd happily take a few bullets so I could tear the [m'kay] apart with my bare hands.