NiteRunner81 wrote:Yah, the "stick my nose in your business" thing is getting to me. My son, last month, threw a temper tantrum so bad and refused to go upstairs to our apartment so my hubby had to drag him by the hand screaming. Well, some busy body called the cops on us.... [m'kay]... I'm not into this generation of everyone needing to get involved in your business crap...
wow how can someone call the cops for that??? People are just so stupid and have no common sense... they call the cops because you gave some discipline to your son.. pfft that is just outrageous. What is the problem with people today?? I'm telling you, I will not have kids because nowadays schools are teaching bad habits to them, drugs are everywhere, and you can't give them discipline or some ass will come and call the police.... all this lack of common sense is the reason for why there are so many kids growing up and becoming maniacs.
EDIT: lol I was studying some history for my final... and what do you know...
call it old fashioned.. but good habits are something that have to be taught.