mrjamwin wrote:
Assassin? Your statements are enflamed with nothing but emotion. Was he really an assassin? Also I never told you to "shut up" I asked you questions, based on your statements and you have yet to answer except for the retort "It's just my opinion" I'm glad it's your opinion but everyone is not entitled to say what they want. You are not allowed by law to liable someone, you can't yell fire in a crowded building or threaten to harm a president of this country. BTW it was 2 firefighters and to Crater then incident in China may not have killed any of the kids but that was his intent he just didn't succeeded and that type of incident has happened mulitple times in China where the person did succeed in the killing the kids. Just for the record.
oh yeah you are such an angel jamwin. You are so innocent and you have great manners. First, stop trying to manipulate what I said. You know what I was talking about. When I said I was entitled to my opinion and say what I want, I was talking about my right to say what I think about the situation. "Crying wolf when there isn't anything wrong" has nothing to do and you are obviously trying to hide your hostile comment (which I really did not deserve).
Your statements are enflamed with nothing but emotion
yeah jamwin, let me remind you who was "enflamed" for my opinion:
Just because of your ignorance and lack of understanding shouldn't dictate that someone shouldn't own as many guns as they want?
and putting the gun issue aside... isn't he a cold blooded killer? How can someone say he isn't. Oh nevermind. Just leave me alone man. Drop it, and you won't hear from me again in this thread.