2 New SWGO Servers

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Re: 2 New SWGO Servers

Postby CommanderOtto » Sat Jan 05, 2013 10:35 pm

why is everyone talking about this? are you guys really going to mod the server? if not, why bother talking about it lol? :whistling:
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Re: 2 New SWGO Servers

Postby Doves » Sat Jan 05, 2013 11:45 pm

(SWGO)Minas_Thirith wrote:
Mandalore wrote:Hey, it's your time to waste. It would just be silly of SWGO to waste resources on it. Lessening server quality for a mod that is truly unnecessary is the very definition of stupidity.

What resources?

I think mandalore just means that it would be ridiculous to put a mod on a 40 slot server with a game that is already laggy to begin with.
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Re: 2 New SWGO Servers

Postby Col. Hstar » Sun Jan 06, 2013 1:20 am

Draigun wrote:This will hopefully make people think about how to kill a droideka rather than simply taking cover, waiting for cooldown on repeaters, then throwing a detpack or rocket at it's face.

Just a little bit of power nerd humor about droidekas
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Mara Felt her lips tighten. “Mostly they ran away”.

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Re: 2 New SWGO Servers

Postby THEWULFMAN » Sun Jan 06, 2013 2:08 am

I loved that book.

And well, every book of his I've read so far.
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Re: 2 New SWGO Servers

Postby Mandalore » Sun Jan 06, 2013 2:40 am

Yes, that's what I was getting at Doves. And again, the Droideka is actually already a strong situational class. The ability for it to mow down people is already present, but the pure fact of the matter is that there *is* no team work on public servers worth speaking of. This isn't Battlefield, alright? It's battlefront. Plus, the thing that hasn't been added to this discussion is that doing this would increase the disparity between the two teams in clone wars. Magna is already the most powerful class in the era by a long shot.
[04:25] -SR-Mandalore: who pitches and who catches
[04:29] (SWGO)SWINE*FLU: We'll do it in turns.
[04:30] -SR-Mandalore: That sounds super fair
[04:30] -SR-Mandalore: Do you think other gay couples do that?
[04:30] (SWGO)SWINE*FLU: I reckon so.

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Re: 2 New SWGO Servers

Postby Doves » Sun Jan 06, 2013 2:56 am

Droideka is a million times better with tk on. 99% of the times droidekas die is due to det rushing and mine rushing. If you want to make droidekas a better class, make it so that people can do no team damage, but they can hurt themselves.
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Re: 2 New SWGO Servers

Postby (SWGO)SirPepsi » Sun Jan 06, 2013 3:54 am

I agree with what Doves said.

But a few suggestions of my own regarding unit classes (Good Lord, I sound like a tyrant):

1) Make SPDs, Clone Troopers, Troopers, etc. do more damage (their blasters)
2) Take health from heavies; add 2 more grenades to their armory
3) Snipers are good ^_^
4) Take health from engies
5) Make the Rocket Launcher on the Magna shoot more quickly
6) Improve the Droidekas (Shields, change from rolled to standing, and blasting speed)
7) Make Bothans cloak completely; add more stamina
8) Wookies a' gooood
9) Make the Imperial Officer's guns do more damage and fire more quickly; improve their mobility
10) Give the Dark Troopers more health
11) Give the Clone Commander more Recons and slower deterioration speed when shooting the Chainguns
12) Eh, Jet Troopers are good

Some of this stuff may not be possible, may be :wacko:, or may just be bad ideas. Just my thoughts after starting to play Conquest recently.
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Re: 2 New SWGO Servers

Postby [NR]Delta » Sun Jan 06, 2013 4:59 am

(SWGO)SirPepsi wrote:I agree with what Doves said.

But a few suggestions of my own regarding unit classes (Good Lord, I sound like a tyrant):

1) Make SPDs, Clone Troopers, Troopers, etc. do more damage (their blasters)
4) Take health from engies
5) Make the Rocket Launcher on the Magna shoot more quickly
6) Improve the Droidekas (Shields, change from rolled to standing, and blasting speed)
7) Make Bothans cloak completely; add more stamina
9) Make the Imperial Officer's guns do more damage and fire more quickly; improve their mobility
10) Give the Dark Troopers more health

Some of this stuff may not be possible, may be :wacko:, or may just be bad ideas. Just my thoughts after starting to play Conquest recently.

1. No. Giving them better weapons makes people want to actually use them, and we've already got more than enough games where rapid-fire weapons dominate.
4. Actually, I think you could balance engies by replacing detpacks with grenades.
5. Good god no. Jet trooper vs magna is already unbalanced enough as is.
6. Have you ever seen what 2 droidekas camping a hall on deathstar looks like? Droidekas are underpowered because server setting TK=off prevents self-damage.
7. Bothans are already annoying enough on dark maps.
9. Agreed.
10. No, their triple-shock trick is balanced by low health. If anything, give jet troopers better health, more rockets, and more jet fuel.
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Re: 2 New SWGO Servers

Postby THEWULFMAN » Sun Jan 06, 2013 7:51 am

-SR-Delta wrote:1. No. Giving them better weapons makes people want to actually use them, and we've already got more than enough games where rapid-fire weapons dominate.


This is the door. Kindly use it to show yourself out.

Riflemen classes are nearly worthless in JBA right now. Forget dominate, it's about balance.
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Re: 2 New SWGO Servers

Postby Marth8880 » Sun Jan 06, 2013 8:27 am

re: prone, nope, can't be done. It can almost be done, like, one could make it so a unit looks like he or she is in the prone position, but it would have to replace crouch and it would use the crouch player collision no matter what unless some heavy executable modding takes place.
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