I'm sure S@m will do exemplary work for you. In the future, to fend for yourself... it really is as easy as opening it up in Paint, clicking the "Image" menu, selecting "Stretch/Skew" and then stretching it by a number LESS than 100% will reduce the size. Obviously 50% would make it half the size, 75% would make it a quarter of the size, etc. If you are having trouble with this concept, please proceed to Amazon.com and pick up a cheap Mathematics text book.
Are you trying to say Mbps? Or do you really have a Mega GPS unit?
koolcat101 wrote:Hello. I built a lego ship that I am very proud of but when I go to upload it it takes forever and I have a 3.1mgps conection. Eventually it comes up and the pictures is HUGE! So um if you could tell me how to fix that, it would be great, thanks