Hey everyone, long time no see.
Some of you may remember me as Alpha or as Alpha-Major, I went by both of those names although I do not anymore.
For some reason I was thinking about games I used to play and remembered the hundreds of hours that I played and worked as an Admin on JBA with you all on the WGO servers before the SWGO/WGO split. It is good to see that SWGO is still around because it will always be my fondest gaming memories.
I have since pick up TF2 and for the most part, that replaced battlefront as my go to game. I found a community that I have helped build there but recently, I started to think back and I thought that I would check in. That being said, if anyone wants to play some TF2 or Dota 2, be sure to hit me up. I am down to play just about any time.
I can not think of the last time that I started up SWBF2 so I know that I am out of practice but I think I might take the time to come back and play with you all again.
Steam Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/alpha-major/