you are dam right i'm legal and I have to pay [poo] loads of money for studying and being here... not that I think i'm better than anyone but I have to study so I can get out, work my ass off to pay that money back and one day, when I have a family, be able to feed my wife and kids, I mean putting food on the table or take them to the hospital and actually be able to pay bills. So yeah, I am legal here.
Only thing I did was to add my opinions and add some bits of this or that after some comments, but no er how "polite" you are, someone just comes and throws [poo] at you, like if you know how to read or if you are an illegal alien. Duel, I know you said "I don't want to jump on you but..." but really, it makes the conversation unpleasant. My comment was like "what has this world come to" that's all... basically, the throwing of all these little insults by pro gun and against gun people has killed this thread for good.