SWGO vs JOG War Games

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what day and time is good for swgo? We are looking for at least 5 players on a given night

Poll ended at Mon Feb 25, 2013 9:10 pm

Thursday the 21st at 9 pm est, 6 pm pacific
Friday the 22nd at 9 pm est, 6 pm pacific
Saturday the 23rd at 9 pm est, 6 pm pacific
Sunday the 24th at 9 pm est, 6 pm pacific
Total votes : 19

Re: SWGO vs JOG War Games

Postby CommanderOtto » Wed Feb 20, 2013 12:45 am

Col. Homestar wrote:Someone screen cap the score screen when it's all done. :punk:

leave that to me :whistling:

Jeff and Raul, since we need to know the time but no one wants to decide anything, modify your first post and in the bottom you will see some tabs. One of the tabs is "create poll" or something like that. Then you add the following options:

1. Friday starting at 6:00 PM Eastern.
2. Friday starting at 7:00 PM Eastern.
3. Saturday starting at 4:00 PM Eastern.
4. Saturday starting at 7:00 PM Eastern.

if you think the times are inconvenient, then change it, but just add the options so we can all vote and lets see if this thing gets going.
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Re: SWGO vs JOG War Games

Postby [m'kay] » Wed Feb 20, 2013 12:53 am

See, the reason why I said we'd just do it when we can is because people have tried to schedule scrims on these forums for the past, oh, two or three years. As far as i'm aware, we have had zero. No matter how much admin assistance there was, even if an admin was in charge of the whole thing, it just never happened because the majority of posters on these forums have trouble scheduling bathroom breaks, much less a half hour to play the game they already play for 2-3 hours a day. If someone else wants to take on that Sisyphean [poo] then go right ahead, but i'm not going anywhere near that waste of time.
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Re: SWGO vs JOG War Games

Postby FaiL.? » Wed Feb 20, 2013 12:54 am

I'll consider a CQ scrim if you guys are manly enough to go for Tk-ON
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Re: SWGO vs JOG War Games

Postby CommanderOtto » Wed Feb 20, 2013 1:03 am

Narg is right... but it's not complicated. People vote and we go. After it starts JOG just keeps the server runnin' and we just start the killin'. It could all go well if people don't complicate things.

To keep it simple:

1. keep the Hero Assault map for 1 hour (after start time)
2. after Hero Assault map we continue with Conquest until everyone is fed up of the game.... no specific ending time.
3. gunners allowed
4. pull allowed
5. no limit to type of character. If I want to stop choking I can just change to Maul freely.
6. Tk-On like always.

if people continue asking for push, no push, pull no pull, gunners or no gunners, two chokers one puller, and all of that crap, then this thing won't get going. Let's see if this time we pull this off if we keep things simple.
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Re: SWGO vs JOG War Games

Postby JOGRaul » Wed Feb 20, 2013 1:46 am

Guys, im aware some of you are from Europe? if not what about doing this next Saturday at 8 pm est.... JOG will make it, just let us know if that time works for some of you guys, and well work this out from there. We are doing conquest as well after the HA match. again thanks to you guys who are actually making an effort to get this going and keep the pc community active and alive! =] this sort of competition will drag more people on each clan/community..... Lets hope this one works out!
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Re: SWGO vs JOG War Games

Postby NiteRunner81 » Wed Feb 20, 2013 2:25 am

There goes me having anything to do with it.. my kids birthday party is that night. :(
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Re: SWGO vs JOG War Games

Postby Col. Hstar » Wed Feb 20, 2013 3:33 am

[m'kay] wrote:majority of posters on these forums have trouble scheduling bathroom breaks

I can pencil one in at 10pm
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Re: SWGO vs JOG War Games

Postby Splinter » Wed Feb 20, 2013 3:41 am

I want to clear something up and not make another thread doing so.

What I want to say is this, JOG has no problem with people in our clan being on these forums and talking with people here. That was never what we meant, and I want to personally apologize for letting it be made out that we meant exactly that. We want Hobo and others to spend and enjoy they're team here and in your servers, the only thing we ask is that they were our tag. Since they joined us, and represent us in matches and what not, blah, blah. Again I am really sorry that this is how things were made out to be, and I hope this can be repaired. We really did not mean for this to happen, I did not mean for that to happen and the wrong impression given.

I realize mistakes have been made, and that a lot of you are pissed over this. I would like to try and fix that if I possibly can, I won't be handling this match unless you guys do something smaller and on a spur of the moment type thing. But I do wish to fix what's been done here, I've been around PC for a lot longer then most of the JOG people that have transitioned over here and for the most part understand how things work here. If you want to know anything or need a question answered, feel free to contact me. I'm not talking about going to the JOG site, you can PM me here or post, I look here everyday and will catch it quickly.

Again I apologize for all of this.

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Re: SWGO vs JOG War Games

Postby JOGJeff » Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:32 am

Yes to be honest I don't even know why some in jog thought this to be the case of how we operate. I posted something similar to haasdog who was trying to understand what was going on via pm. And what I told him was this:

To be honest when I first saw this I thought it was about us taking a player from you guys. In which I agree a clan should not do to another clan. I have posted such for our newer members not to do. Now I have never had an issue with a player being recruited out of a community before, being that a community isn't the same thing as a clan. My understanding from what I have read and what others have told me is that swgo is a community. However what I didn't understand was that there was more anger towards a perceived policy in which we don't allow our members to visit or interact with other sites or communities. This has never been a policy of JOGs. We don't mind any one person being involved in a community organization. We don't mind them being admins of community servers. We like them having friends and interactions with members outside of JOG. Obviously when ones been around the game as long as I am sure most of you have, friendships have been around a lot longer than any one clan. So we respect that. This also allows us to help foster good relations with any community as well. So you have my word we have no such policy in which states players aren't allowed to be involved with communities.

Where we do draw the line on any member joining us is that he or she only fights for us. Its a clan loyalty thing. From my understanding many of the clans /communities mix and match their players. This is not something we do. We have no issues with our members playing in mix clan matches. But we ask them to keep our tag on. They are a member of JOG and we ask our members to represent us in all things concerning the game we play.

This is a copy and paste of what I sent haasdog on this matter as well.

We have explained our policy to a hobo who respectfully asked us in our private forums. I barely knwo the guy but what I get is that he is a pretty stand up individual.

We didn't come here to cause problems. Or to take members. Or to get into fights with members of this community. Thats the last thing we are looking to do.

And like I have stated the reason why we have come here at all is that we recognize that swgo is the main community of force using jedi in this game. Now we understand there are many forms of play in this game. And we are happy to do different types of matches with different rules. If you want to do pullers thats fine, if you want to do a few shooters thats fine. If you noticed I haven't said no to anything that you guys wanted to put in place for the battle. The main thing we want to accomplish here is 1.) actually have decent relations with you guys and 2.) to show the community as a whole that force is not the noob thing that so many frown upon. That there are players out there that enjoy it and it should be respected as part of the game. Thats why we want the bigger match, because its a visual show of force so to speak that hey the community is getting behind this. We are trying help foster a better standing for force players. The smaller matches are fine too. Because they foster good working relationships between us and the community. But for the value of what we would like to accomplish, its not as powerful of a statement.

I hope what we have stated here gets through because we do want a good working relationship with swgo.
with this said I believe someone said to make a poll, I will do that later on today and we hope we can get something that is good for all of us here and the community as a whole.
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Re: SWGO vs JOG War Games

Postby [m'kay] » Wed Feb 20, 2013 4:00 pm

JOGJeff wrote:Yes to be honest I don't even know why some in jog thought this to be the case of how we operate. I posted something similar to haasdog who was trying to understand what was going on via pm. And what I told him was this:

To be honest when I first saw this I thought it was about us taking a player from you guys. In which I agree a clan should not do to another clan. I have posted such for our newer members not to do. Now I have never had an issue with a player being recruited out of a community before, being that a community isn't the same thing as a clan. My understanding from what I have read and what others have told me is that swgo is a community. However what I didn't understand was that there was more anger towards a perceived policy in which we don't allow our members to visit or interact with other sites or communities. This has never been a policy of JOGs. We don't mind any one person being involved in a community organization. We don't mind them being admins of community servers. We like them having friends and interactions with members outside of JOG. Obviously when ones been around the game as long as I am sure most of you have, friendships have been around a lot longer than any one clan. So we respect that. This also allows us to help foster good relations with any community as well. So you have my word we have no such policy in which states players aren't allowed to be involved with communities.

Where we do draw the line on any member joining us is that he or she only fights for us. Its a clan loyalty thing. From my understanding many of the clans /communities mix and match their players. This is not something we do. We have no issues with our members playing in mix clan matches. But we ask them to keep our tag on. They are a member of JOG and we ask our members to represent us in all things concerning the game we play.

This is a copy and paste of what I sent haasdog on this matter as well.

We have explained our policy to a hobo who respectfully asked us in our private forums. I barely knwo the guy but what I get is that he is a pretty stand up individual.

We didn't come here to cause problems. Or to take members. Or to get into fights with members of this community. Thats the last thing we are looking to do.

And like I have stated the reason why we have come here at all is that we recognize that swgo is the main community of force using jedi in this game. Now we understand there are many forms of play in this game. And we are happy to do different types of matches with different rules. If you want to do pullers thats fine, if you want to do a few shooters thats fine. If you noticed I haven't said no to anything that you guys wanted to put in place for the battle. The main thing we want to accomplish here is 1.) actually have decent relations with you guys and 2.) to show the community as a whole that force is not the noob thing that so many frown upon. That there are players out there that enjoy it and it should be respected as part of the game. Thats why we want the bigger match, because its a visual show of force so to speak that hey the community is getting behind this. We are trying help foster a better standing for force players. The smaller matches are fine too. Because they foster good working relationships between us and the community. But for the value of what we would like to accomplish, its not as powerful of a statement.

I hope what we have stated here gets through because we do want a good working relationship with swgo.
with this said I believe someone said to make a poll, I will do that later on today and we hope we can get something that is good for all of us here and the community as a whole.


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