Mandalore wrote:Genetically modified crops aren't really the issue, we've been genetically modifying everything since forever. The issue is the other policies in place like monocultures and the egregiously heavy use of pesticides, artificial fertilizer, and herbicides that creates poisonous run off.
Yes, this is one of the underlying reasons why biotech companies (particulary Monsanto) are known to be hated for. Their products contaminate the area, and supposedly, this new bill that President Obama just signed essentially gives Monsanto the right to infest organic farmland with run-off created by their poisonous pesticides.
As for the paranoia surrounding Monsanto, the company has been known (back in the 1990s) to have taken control of the market through corruption and monopolization. The company has also been known in the Vietnam War to establish biochemical warfare, alongside Dow Chemical. It was called '
Operation Ranch Hand'. It goes to show how capable they are with modifying the foods. Also, it's an obvious trend now in America, that obesity, diseases, ailments, etc. has been increasing at an exponential rate ever since the 1990s. Genetically-modified foods were not on the market until 1996.
But this is not to say that genetically engineering food is completely bad. In certain cases, it is useful. For example, there could be an area in a maize field that has more bugs eating the corn; having bug resistant seeds would surely prevent too much scarcity. I also think that not all organic food is completely healthy. I say this because when it is pure organic, nothing is done to prevent common issues that affect food, such as bug infestation, disease carrying animals, or even some farm run off. The chances of an organic farm having these is quite low, but here and there, organic food can be considered unhealthy and poisonous.
I just think biotech companies are taking genetically modifying too far, and that now they are immune to litigation, well, they are essentially unstoppable. They are even in the works of creating an entirely new species of fish, for human consumption only. A lot of the food we eat is derived from nature one way or another, but actually creating an entire new food... disturbing.
Anyway, I've already mentioned my opinion on same sex marriage. It's also ridiculous on how society handles it. Rainbows, for what? Special places, for what? It's societies fault for making it such a big deal out of the entire matter, and now we have to create special things for these so called 'special' people.