April 14 is the release date for Rise Of The Hutt Cartel, the first digital expansion for Star Wars The Old Republic.
Please see the following links for additional information:
Attention Subscribers: Your price for the expansion is 50% off!!! a mere $10 for a whole new planet (for those 5 extra levels) and tons of extra content.
Also (for people who want to forgo ROTHC) 2.0 will launch at that time with 5 extra levels, new gear, and some tweaks to your existing planets that will BLOW your mind. I saw one of the changes they made to Dromund Kaas and I was like "OH EM GEE" ... and the ACHEIVMENT SYSTEM is 100% awesome!! I've been testing 2.0 and lets say, a lot of complaints people have made about the game... are being made right.. some planets (such as Taris and Tatooine) will have additional level 50-55 areas... some of the new mobs are mean looking!!!