haasd0gg wrote:Ain't of Judgement wrote:Admins, look at the poll! It says that more than 50% wants the map atleast on friday so give the people what they want!!! >:D
I'm sorry, what gave you the impression SWGO is a democracy?...
We are governed by a dictator and his shadowy minions...
imaim wrote:[m'kay] wrote:Ain't of Judgement wrote:Admins, look at the poll! It says that more than 50% wants the map atleast on friday so give the people what they want!!! >:D
No, uh, it really doesn't. The fact that it actually says the percentages right next to the votes makes it pretty impressive that you managed to pull that one off.
Hmm... Now that is just sad...
Let me teach you fools something...
On servers there are people playing called "members". When members don't like to play anymore, they stop playing. When members ask to put a map on and they ask it for a long time and the admins don't put it on, they get pissed... When members get so pissed they could eventiually leave for ever. When this happens a lot (or for lots amount of peeps) there won't be members anymore so you admins can't have fun anymore playing it (and won't get money if you would get money). You know, sometime you must give the people what they want... A dictature is never a good way of leading people. In real life peeps can get so furious that there can happen nasty things. Why do you think western countries are so wealthy and civilizated? It's called democracy! Wise words of the Ain't of Judgement, thank you. I feel proud.
~ Ain't of Judgement