by NiteRunner81 » Mon Apr 29, 2013 10:13 pm
I apologize for making this topic then going out of town for the weekend. I had some family business to tend to and the internet down there isn't available to me all the time.
"Doomsday Preppers" is the title of the show -- plain and simple.. A title that is up to ones own interpretation. What someone sees as a weather threat another can see as a huge doomsday. Being without food or other needs while power is out for weeks on end can be enough to drive some people into extreme illness if they don't have enough food to keep them healthy. Not to mention deadly for someone with a chronic condition.
In regards to my purposes for prepping --- I am prepping for a few scenarios. One bigger one and a few smaller ones. We have yet to find out the full range of affects from GMO foods and I believe its a bigger threat than we are being led to believe. The big one is for the day that we discover that GMOs are far too dangerous and the need to discontinue them. I plan to have on hand enough GMO free food to survive the period of time we need to regrow safe food.
The smaller ones: These are our every day problems - Snow downpours. I have a 2 door coupe with no AWD. Payroll Errors (happens more than you know) - not getting your check when expected. I live in the PNW where heavy raining occurs and floods are frequent.
I am not wasting a whole bunch of money on these items because with my frugality I have the money to spend outside of my needs/wants.
Discord tag - NiteRunner81#1981