Heroes vs Villains Guide

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Re: Heroes vs Villains Guide

Postby Mandalore » Fri Jul 05, 2013 5:33 am

-)G(-Mawk wrote:Is it {JOG} we're talking about?

1v1 they are average, but when they hunt together they are decent. Wouldn't mind a 2v2 or 3v3 against them.

I'd actually venture the opposite. When Yoni, Darth Crater and I 3v3d Raul,and I think Max+Warhero (Admittedly, Raul is the only competent one on that team and we only won by 2) they had atrocious team work. Really it was the only reason we managed to come out ahead given that the other two literally had played maybe 20 hours of Battlefront in the last 6-12 months previous and 0 in the play style that the PS2 guys play from. Then again I've never been a strong 1v1er at force, mostly because I dislike the playstyle and conversely I excel in team force scrims/matches.

I'd agree to Hobo's list about some of their better players. However, personality wise they all come off as I did when I was 16. Very, very wrapped up in the game and their clan.

I will say that their rule set was very interesting to play in and completely changes the flow of game play. Actually got me hooked on playing there for a few weeks. However, even Fearless was only able to beat me 19-10 and I had literally stayed up all night at that point. As I said previously it's really the fact that no one who was a good competition player has played that many hours, and even fewer in their chosen rule set. Overall I'd give most of them 5 or 6s out of 10s as hero assault players. They make some very silly decisions, especially when they first moved to PC. I don't think saber play really was a big part of PS2, and certainly not to the speed that saber play is played out at on PC.

Right now JoG has pretty much fallen apart and GJ/FoG are the two "stronger" clans. FoG in particular has a few good players, even if they are a bit whiny. :P
[04:25] -SR-Mandalore: who pitches and who catches
[04:29] (SWGO)SWINE*FLU: We'll do it in turns.
[04:30] -SR-Mandalore: That sounds super fair
[04:30] -SR-Mandalore: Do you think other gay couples do that?
[04:30] (SWGO)SWINE*FLU: I reckon so.

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Re: Heroes vs Villains Guide

Postby (SWGO)Kren » Fri Jul 05, 2013 11:07 am

JOG can be decent in groups, smaller numbers less effective and 1v1 even less though in this game as we know opportunities arise to kill people.

As Mawk indicated, work with the skills you have. If you can hone them to frustrate and overcome someone then fair play.

The user of exploits still happens and others within clans mentioned in this thread tend to employ them and fair enough if this is allowed elsewhere but I am not a fan of that play-style.

One issue with this game is the sheer amount of lag that can be encountered and how this impacts game-play for you or others in the team.

I've seen many players with low pings (sub 100) complain about and lag when it happens as their game play is significantly impacted, for example when it rises to 120 or higher. I'd say for all those with low pings think on how fortunate you are compared with those with higher pings and also consider if you had to play at such high levels how good would you be, would you play the game or likewise if people with high pings were playing with sub 100 pings could you overcome them? Lagging is not enjoyable, trust me on that. There people are studying lag to potentially improve game-play of the future:

http://www.cs.montana.edu/files/techrep ... Howard.pdf
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Re: Heroes vs Villains Guide

Postby (SWGO)DesertEagle » Fri Jul 05, 2013 5:35 pm

For some reason (bad coding in the engine apparently), this game handles lag very poorly. Even minecraft often handles it better.

Players jump around all the time when there is moderate lag. Sniping from range is a pain.

What are these exploits you are talking about? Do you mean nulling (tripping) and launching and the like?
Last edited by (SWGO)DesertEagle on Sat Jul 06, 2013 6:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Heroes vs Villains Guide

Postby (SWGO)Max » Fri Jul 05, 2013 5:55 pm

(SWGO)DesertEagle wrote:For some reason (bad coding in the engine apparently), this game handles lag very poory. Even minecraft often handles it better.

Players jump around all the time when there is moderate lag. Sniping from range is a pain.

What are these exploits you are talking about? Do you mean nulling (tripping) and launching and the like?

I believe they are talking about slow run, inf choke, etc.
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Re: Heroes vs Villains Guide

Postby Mandalore » Fri Jul 05, 2013 6:41 pm

The engine is from like 2003. For the engine's time span it handles lag pretty damn well. It's just that most people who play this game either play on toasters or have terrible internet connections. Or they're just bad players. Hell, my internet is pretty middle of the road and I still get less than ninety ping within the continental US and around 140 to central Europe servers.
[04:25] -SR-Mandalore: who pitches and who catches
[04:29] (SWGO)SWINE*FLU: We'll do it in turns.
[04:30] -SR-Mandalore: That sounds super fair
[04:30] -SR-Mandalore: Do you think other gay couples do that?
[04:30] (SWGO)SWINE*FLU: I reckon so.

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Re: Heroes vs Villains Guide

Postby -)G(-Mawk » Sat Jul 06, 2013 1:12 am

A lot of it is actually server type as well. Shared servers perform much worse. Compare your lag/warpiness in SWGO vs -)G(- heroes server and you'll see a difference (shared vs non shared).

And internet connection itself isn't that big of deal. It's the hops to get to the server that really causes it. I can have 50down/10up here in Oregon but it's still 17 hops to get to new york from my location.
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Re: Heroes vs Villains Guide

Postby (SWGO)Kren » Sat Jul 06, 2013 10:58 am

Mandalore wrote:The engine is from like 2003. For the engine's time span it handles lag pretty damn well. It's just that most people who play this game either play on toasters or have terrible internet connections. Or they're just bad players. Hell, my internet is pretty middle of the road and I still get less than ninety ping within the continental US and around 140 to central Europe servers.

Miniumum specs for SWBF2:

Required: 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible computer

Required: Intel P3 1.5 GHz or AMD Athlon XP 1500+
Recommended: Intel P4 2.8 GHz or AMD Athlon XP 2800+

Required: 256 MB RAM
Recommended: 512 MB RAM

Graphics Card
Required: 64 MB 3D Graphics card with Hardware Transform and Lighting (T&L) Capability
Recommended 128 MB 3D Graphics card with Hardware Vertex and Pixel Shader (VS/PS) Capability

Sound Card
Required: 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card

Required: 8X Speed CD-ROM drive
Recommended: 16X Speed CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive

I doubt most people will be running hardware that falls way below the minimum spec especially considering the release date of the game. :roll:

Many factors contribute to, i.e. the time between the hops, the Network Interface Card may be capable of less speed than your router, the video card may only be capable of processing the information at a lower speed than your NIC card can deliver it to your computer etc.

In terms of bad players well that's typically down to experience with this game, i.e. they don't know how to sprint, run, block and other things like CB, CD etc. A new player could be classed as a bad player and equally so someone with a high ping could be classed as a bad player because of the lag whereas the closer to the source server they are and taking into consideration the above they might be quite good.

The online gaming experience is not fun if you are lagging, tyring to take part in competition is a joke, general playing becomes difficult because of screen jutter, delays in movements, attacking etc. That person who is experiencing won't like it, team mates won't like it because their peception is they person lagging is letting the side down so the whole enjoyment factor is impacted.

To make a more level playing field game developers in the future should take into considerations the factors that make online gaming less than fun and focus on optimisations techniques. As online gaming is becoming more widespread I'm sure improvements will be made in this area.

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Re: Heroes vs Villains Guide

Postby (SWGO)DesertEagle » Sat Jul 06, 2013 6:11 pm

(SWGO)_==MAX==SPEED== wrote:
(SWGO)DesertEagle wrote:For some reason (bad coding in the engine apparently), this game handles lag very poory. Even minecraft often handles it better.

Players jump around all the time when there is moderate lag. Sniping from range is a pain.

What are these exploits you are talking about? Do you mean nulling (tripping) and launching and the like?

I believe they are talking about slow run, inf choke, etc.

Ah, those. Yeah, those are pretty lame tactics. Not much skill involved once you know how to do it. Slow run is pretty nice for avoiding choke though (obviously I know its not allowed so I don't do it :P).

I think there are a few other tactics similar to slow run that help you when jumping off a building. Something with blocking. I don't remember anymore.
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Re: Heroes vs Villains Guide

Postby Mandalore » Sat Jul 06, 2013 7:05 pm

You'd be surprised, Kren. Plus there is a huge performance leap from 256 to 512 mb in ram. I've competed on ESL with an American team against the euros and lag was never much of an issue. Just a matter of adjusting. but then again we were all east coast with nice rigs.

And you don't have to know many mechanics to be good. Heroes is a four move fighting game. It's just not very complicated through most levels of play.
[04:25] -SR-Mandalore: who pitches and who catches
[04:29] (SWGO)SWINE*FLU: We'll do it in turns.
[04:30] -SR-Mandalore: That sounds super fair
[04:30] -SR-Mandalore: Do you think other gay couples do that?
[04:30] (SWGO)SWINE*FLU: I reckon so.

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Re: Heroes vs Villains Guide

Postby (SWGO)Kren » Sat Jul 06, 2013 7:36 pm

Mandalore wrote:You'd be surprised, Kren. Plus there is a huge performance leap from 256 to 512 mb in ram. I've competed on ESL with an American team against the euros and lag was never much of an issue. Just a matter of adjusting. but then again we were all east coast with nice rigs.

I would actually be suprised about the min requirements if no PC's meet that but I am sure there could be 1 or 2 but overall but I venture to say that 95% or more exceed the specs quite easily but that's my view on it, let's not linger 2 much on that point. Again there are many factors and what your perception of lag and someone elses could vary quite a lot.

Not just SWBF2 but other games get online lag and people clearly know that this is a deterimental factor in online gaming, but don't take what I say as true, take a look for yourself:

http://forum.worldoftanks.com/index.php ... us-server/
http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showth ... server-lag
http://tera-forums.enmasse.com/forums/g ... is-lagging

If online game is the way forward this is one area the developers, hosts etc need to address for future games. People won't play online games especially if the have to pay a monthly subscription and likewise if content is free how many people will play online games on a a regular basis if lag is killing their ability to play and have fun?

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