Darth Crater wrote:I just don't see how you can avoid encouraging people to seek out violence. It seems to be a natural consequence of the laws. If you take away a disincentive (potential for legal action because of excessive force), that's the same thing as adding an incentive.
The case still serves my point well enough - the laws are atrociously written.
Humans as a species have used violence, created weapons, used our thoughts to organise our intentions to hurt others and kill animals for food to become the top predators on this planet.
The environment you live in has an influence on an individual’s capacity for violence in terms of fight or flight. Having the ability to defend yourself through training, the use of weapons can assist and individual to remove themself from a situation but equally so and depending upon that person it can also create a situation which could have been avoided if a weapon was not available to use and laws to support such actions in place.
If you are setting up groups of individuals to act as watchmen, home owners etc. who have the ability to defend themselves via a deadly weapon it empowers that individuals ability to confront someone as they have the means and capacity to do so. As you guys live in a society that advocates weapons via the constitution it gives society a means to utilise these for pleasure (shooting ranges), to defend against or use as a means of attack. Because they are now an integral part of society consequences will ensure by the misuse of weapons. The Zimmerman Case is just the tip of the iceberg.
In essence violence is being used to combat violence which creates more violence and you become locked into a cycle which is very hard to break. The problem ahead for the US is massive I'm afraid. If it is not tackled then society within the US will overtime start to collapse.
In the US you have the added issues of drugs, prostitution, extortion, gang culture, gambling, trafficking etc. which creates corruption. Once weapons are added to the mix then violence is often a direct outcome with deadly consequences. There no quick fix for resolving this as in my opinion control has already been lost and containment via the use of laws is what is being used in an attempt to keep people safe which are failing on a more regular basis. Criminals can use the same laws that protect law individuals to reduce a prison term or overturn a conviction and then they are back on the street causing more issues for law enforcement agencies.
There are fixes but again it would mean turning inwards and the task ahead is immense, alterations to the constitution, the ability to buy weapons, changes to the law, the use of the military on US soil to combat the current range of issues etc. The US has prisons housing thousands of prisoners, more prisons would be needed or other radical measures to stamp out violence to passed by the government etc. Before it gets better it would get worse because it has been allowed to get out of control. Given the country is so young it has risen and fallen very quickly in a lot of areas, look at Detroit and how much debt it is now in, think of the crime in that city alone.
In addition to all of the above the US acts as the world Policeman but by doing so and spreading themselves so thin across the world the issues at home increase and what you are trying to protect and serve is self-imploding in front of your very eyes. The liberty you fought for it now being consumed because you are trying to be everything to all people.
Add a couple of natural disasters to the mix and if will make the work even harder.
How much effort does the US want to invest in overcoming issues at home associated with violent crimes and the underlying causes of them before you cannot reverse it?
Look back in History to Empires and how they crumbled because they lost their way and collapsed. It should serve as a lesson but can the US learn it before you fall into the Abyss?