yes, there are tons of different hospitals providing different services... but one or two hospitals with aggressive pricing don't change the overall price curve of healthcare through the years. It's similar to oil companies...there are many different companies out there, but oil prices keep going on. Just because there are many providing the service does not mean there is actually "competition". And as I said before, healthcare is unique, because life is actually priceless so there is no limit to the amount that can be charged.
ugh... how I hate those eat this and never diet again commercials...
Also, as I pointed out before, free market rules don't apply to everything as the majority of people think. It depends on the market and the product... sometimes free market works with some things, sometimes it doesn't. And note, if i'm correct, the u.s has more hospital beds than what it really needs, which means that there are so many hospitals, there should be competition, but that's not the case because prices just continue to skyrocket.... which again demonstrates how unique the healthcare market is in comparison to other services.