(SWGO)SirPepsi wrote:(SWGO)DesertEagle wrote:Just because God can do anything doesn't mean He will. You are suggesting that He has to do everything and thus violate His own nature. As far as "surprise," that is emotion yes, but not like ours. He is ominiscient, but just because He knows everything doesn't mean He cannot allow Himself to be affected by what He knows. He is never "surprised." Show me those verses, and try again.
Logically inconsistent. By that definition, I am omnipotent; I can do everything that doesn't conflict with my nature.There is no contradiction in God's nature, you are going to extremes to force them. You are saying that because something can contradict IF DONE A CERTAIN WAY it must contradict. Try again.
What is this "try again" nonsense you've adopted? http://new.exchristian.net/2013/01/why-is-god-surprised-by-events-in-bible.htmlI also don't need to prove a negative, so therefore I really don't need to defend Creationism against your attacks. You sir have to prove that evolution happened. Just because a Big Bang could have produced the universe doesn't mean it did. Try again.
Actually, you have to provide viable evidence that Creationism is a legitimate explanation of how the Earth was created. You haven't, you just conveniently ignore certain truths and say things like, "Well, it could be true if we neglect half of the evidence presented so far and twist the rest of it!"Ok, for the sake of argument, supposed that the ark lacked the capacity to hold all of today's genetic diversity. This implies that genetic diversity (i.e. information) is increasing. Now the burden is on you to prove that genetic diversity increases over time. Show me a lab experiment where genetic diversity increased. I don't have to prove a negative, try harder.
Here is your evidence, http://www.nature.com/scitable/topicpage/origins-of-new-genes-and-pseudogenes-835. There is also the er of the Lenski experiments, wherein E.Coli was found to develop new genetic information after 50,000 generations were born and reproduced: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E._coli_long-term_evolution_experiment and http://myxo.css.msu.edu/ecoli/citrate2008/index.htmlFYI, Creationism has been around for several thousand years, while evolution has really only been around for a few hundred. You are the newcomer, so the entire burden of proof is on you. Don't try to spin this around.
And? There were other Creationist stories around before yours, does that mean you have to disprove those in order to show yours is true? By the way, Evolutionists HAVE demonstrated considerable evidence, overwhelming evidence. Just because you refuse to accept it or conintually invent non-truths and ridiculously infantile "well Noah's Ark could account for this" apologist nonsense doesn't mean the evidence doesn't exist.Just FYI, don't ever try to debate me if you don't like your own arguments being used against you.
This can only loosely be called a debate. If I were vested in trying to change your mind, or in trying to uphold evolutionary theory before a panel of judges, I could (well, I don't know if the former is possible) - and you would lose because you have no evidence and all of your "arguments" are based on false assumptions. But I have no need to try and demonstrate the fact of Evolution to you, most of the educated world knows it to be true, and there isn't any real point in spending hours over the internet formulating responses to your hilarious claims (why I do it, I don't know).
The Ecoli experiment is still not producing a new gene, you are just reactivating genes that were dormant (i.e. they were already there). That is still not new information. Show me a brand new gene that was never there in the first place. Show me a brand new function that was never there in the first place. I'll save you the trouble, it never happens. Natural selection is a reductive process, it results in the loss of information. It has NEVER EVER been shown to increase information. Of course, seeing as how you have no Intelligent being to introduce this information, you are forced to take this on faith, so don't act like you are the "facts" person and I am the "faith" person. Evolution takes just as much faith to believe in it as Creationism no
er how much you refuse to admit it.
You have the wrong definition of omnipotence as well. Using your logic, I can say you are a free citizen, and therefore capable of breaking laws, so if you don't break laws, then you are not a free citizen, even though you are a law-abiding citizen. God is not composed of parts, He is a unified whole. We use the word Omnipotence to describe the fact that He can do anything, but He will not violate His nature. They are human words to describe Someone we cannot fully understand. It is pretty ludicrous to supposed that we can bind God to follow our own rules. You are basically making a more sophisticated version of the "well, if God can do anything, can He make a rock so big He can't lift it and so be unable to do everything?" It's a pretty childish argument when you get into it because you are supposing that you can force God's parts (which do not exist) to conflict.
Also, the language in the Bible about God being "surprised" is easily interpreted as an emotion, not a lack of knowledge. It makes sense that He has emotion, why would He give it to us?
So basically, any interpretation that differs from yours is "twisting the evidence"? Might I not accuse you of the same? Considering the fact that Uniformitarianism got popular through the efforts of a man who hated Christianity and desired to undermine its basis (Charles Lyell), I might have a better case for that. Yeah, that's right, before the 1800s, pretty much everyone believed the earth was on the order of thousands of years old (yes, even mainstream geology held that), and interpreted the rock strata as being laid down by the flood. I am not really making a new argument when I say that.
Why is the onus on me to provide evidence and not you? What makes your argument special? Are we going to invoke a bandwagon argument here? Pretty lousy debate if you have the established position and I am "the challenger." If you want to invoke the bandwagon argument, there are quite a few people who don't buy evolution, including many scientists.
Let me turn the tables on you: How do you know the Big Bang happened? Why are you so sure?
And don't give me this "well we are here so it must have happened" nonsense, I can make that same argument, which you would rightfully reject.
And to be fair, I find your claims equally hilarious,* but I do consider them worthy of a response, so perhaps you could continue to extend that courtesy to me, as you have been doing.
*i.e. your world makes no sense to me, I consider a world without a maker, design without a designer, information without a knowledge source, and order without a lawmaker to be the height of nonsense.
How about this, I dare you to actually read Genesis with an open mind and actually try and see what it is claiming. And do it in a version like the NIV, don't waste your time trying to read the King James (it just obfuscates the language). I'll look into the book you mentioned if you will do that. I'm assuming it's available online, right?
You don't even have to read the whole book, just the first 12 chapters. Here, I'll link a free source:
http://www.biblegateway.com/quicksearch ... ersion=NIV.
All I am asking out of you is to acknowledge that Creationism is a valid position given the starting assumptions and that multiple interpretations exist for the evidence out there. I'm not asking you to accept the position, just to acknowledge its validity. I accept your position as perfectly valid given your starting assumptions, even though I disagree with your interpretation of the evidence.
Just as a note for Christians who believe in an old earth: Mark 10:6 - Jesus talks about Adam and Eve being made "at the beginning of creation." Having man come about millions of years after creation started really twists what He says.