Finally something that has me hating Bill Gates and Microsoft.
Whether you're a conservative or progressive you should be PISSED. In February of 2009 the National Governors Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers under Achieve Inc. birthed a set of educational standards called the Common Core State Standards. CCSS has been heavily funded (in the upward of 150MILLION dollars) by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. These are standards for English Language Arts and Mathematics. These standards are being labeled as "rigorous" but more and more parents are coming out and calling them the same thing "frustrating".
45 states have adopted the CCSS. Why? Because 2 years ago Obama gave all 50 states a way to waive the "No Child Left Behind" program. Along with that waiver each state has been given tens of millions of dollars each to fill budget gaps. These standards are being labeled as being "College and Workforce Ready".
You may be asking what the big problem is. Well, I don't have the time to get into all of them (I've been getting stomach aches over all this mess the last few days) so I'll provide some links: ... arvesting/
Every state that has Adopted CCSS is responsible for building databases that gather information about our children's medical history, educational history, behavioral history. Some schools want to go so far as to implement devices such as blood pressure sensors (and eye scanners and posture detectors and pressure mouses) that will detect if your child gets aggravated while discussion social issues such as sexual orientation or race so that they can charge parents with child neglect/abuse for possibly raising a bully. My state, Oregon, has issued HIPPA/FERPA waivers to get this information. Washington, Oregon, Hawaii, and Idaho will be using database software developed by Microsoft for their SHARED databases.
Also part of CCSS is an established set of Sex Ed standards that teach kids by the second grade how to masturbate: ... ds-web.pdf
Something tells me I'm in for a ride with this discussion here...