by WD-40 » Tue Aug 19, 2014 7:57 pm
Well...I managed to finally go online and play. JOG had uber lag, then went to Ententeich (?) server where about 3 or 4 En.Tien type players along with Hawk and a few others were on Tant 4. Managed to get [m'kay] banned in less than 10 minutes. Total douche bags. I was playing my normal heavy Vanguard, then switched to Engineer. Kicked a few asses as Vanguard, captured the bridge. Then got booted after switching to Engy. Then some stupid Admin whined that I wasn't allowed to play Engineer. Didn't see any restriction, since I was being shot at by a regular soldier during the bridge capture. I debated it, then admitted an 'ok I understand', but some other child En.Tien said 'Ban WD"...and voila! Total child admins and clan members there. With so damn few players, you'd think they'd be a bit more understanding and patient.