Immigration reform ideas.

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Re: Immigration reform ideas.

Postby Darth Crater » Fri Oct 17, 2014 9:31 pm

MATTHEW'S_DAD wrote:#3 - If Bush was to blame for Katrina, then Obama is to blame for Enterovirus and Ebola.

In my last post, I think I misinterpreted what you were trying to say here. I'll leave it up, but I'm guessing you meant to talk about the government's responses to these events. On that, I'm afraid I don't have even a fraction of the information or training I would need to tell an effective response from an ineffective one.
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Re: Immigration reform ideas.

Postby WD-40 » Sat Oct 18, 2014 12:49 am

Darth Crater wrote: I'm afraid I don't have even a fraction of the information or training I would need to tell an effective response from an ineffective one.

Finally! He gets it! :punk:
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Re: Immigration reform ideas.

Postby Darth Crater » Sat Oct 18, 2014 2:48 am

WD-40 wrote:
Darth Crater wrote: I'm afraid I don't have even a fraction of the information or training I would need to tell an effective response from an ineffective one.

Finally! He gets it! :punk:

Oh, so you have twenty years of direct experience managing disaster recoveries, and a team of a hundred investigators reporting to you? Congratulations!
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Re: Immigration reform ideas.

Postby MATTHEW'S_DAD » Sun Oct 19, 2014 7:27 pm

At the risk of a "Gish Gallop", I assume you're in college. If so, I'm curious as to what your major is. (not trying to be a smartass, just trying to understand)
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Re: Immigration reform ideas.

Postby Darth Crater » Sun Oct 19, 2014 8:55 pm

MATTHEW'S_DAD wrote:At the risk of a "Gish Gallop", I assume you're in college. If so, I'm curious as to what your major is. (not trying to be a smartass, just trying to understand)

Graduated with a Bachelor's in Computer Science, employed full time, planning to seek Master's in my off hours.

(And don't worry, a "Gish Gallop" is a debating tactic where you make a ton of weak arguments, so that your opponent will have to waste all his time picking at them or give up. Just asking me a question is perfectly fine. I just won't bother to respond to something like WD-40's rant.)
Last edited by Darth Crater on Sun Oct 19, 2014 8:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Immigration reform ideas.

Postby Jesse48 » Sun Oct 19, 2014 8:56 pm

Last edited by Jesse48 on Fri Oct 24, 2014 10:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Immigration reform ideas.

Postby Mandalore » Fri Oct 24, 2014 10:10 am

It's funny because Reagan was the one who authorized most of the [poo] we're dealing with. See Presidential Order #12333. Wish I had a PR team so good that they could change a president who tripled national debt, began policies that would lead up to the 2008 crash, and began the widest sweep of violating privacy in American history into the Republican idol. That's some good [poo] right there. Doesn't hurt him that Clinton is most remembered for getting a blowie or three from some average looking sloot, W was a [m'kay] retard and Obama is a pussy.
[04:25] -SR-Mandalore: who pitches and who catches
[04:29] (SWGO)SWINE*FLU: We'll do it in turns.
[04:30] -SR-Mandalore: That sounds super fair
[04:30] -SR-Mandalore: Do you think other gay couples do that?
[04:30] (SWGO)SWINE*FLU: I reckon so.

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Re: Immigration reform ideas.

Postby WD-40 » Sat Nov 22, 2014 4:28 pm

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Re: Immigration reform ideas.

Postby WD-40 » Sat Nov 22, 2014 5:25 pm

Our Emperor just makes lying seem so easy to do.

(From a link of Mark Levin):

Make no mistake about it. Obama’s illegal amnesty will not just apply to 5 million individuals. It will apply by default to all 12-20 million illegals in the country as well as the millions more who will now come here to enjoy the permanent cessation of borders and sovereignty.

Obama's 10 lies from his Amnesty speech:

Lie #1: Every President has Taken Executive Action on Immigration: No other president has ever issued an amnesty of anywhere near this scope, created it out of thin air, or built it upon a prior executive action instead of a statute. And in the case of President Eisenhower, his executive action was to deport 80,000 illegal immigrants.

Lie #2: Illegal Immigrant Crossings are Down: Actually, this is the third straight year that border crossings have gone up, not to mention the entirely new wave from Central America.

Lie #3: It does not grant citizenship or the right to stay here permanently: Under the royal edict, the work permits can be renewed every three years, and most likely, they will be renewed at the same 99.5% acceptance rate as DACA applications. And once they get Social Security cards, they are going nowhere. So yes, this is permanent. And yes, they will be able to get green cards, which puts them on an automatic path to citizenship: “we are reducing the time that families are separated while obtaining their green cards. Undocumented immigrants who are immediate relatives of lawful permanent residents or sons or daughters of US citizens can apply to get a waiver if a visa is available.”

Lie #4: Only 5 Million: Make no mistake about it. Obama’s illegal amnesty will not just apply to 5 million individuals. It will apply by default to all 12-20 million illegals in the country as well as the millions more who will now come here to enjoy the permanent cessation of borders and sovereignty. Given the numerous options for people to become eligible for amnesty, ICE and CPB will be restricted from enforcing the law against anyone because each individual has to be afforded the opportunity to present themselves and apply for status. There is no way those who were here for less than 5 years will be deported and there’s no way the new people rushing the border and overstaying their visas will be repatriated.

Lie #5: Deport Felons: Obama claims he is going to focus on deporting felons. Yet, he has done the opposite. 36,000 convicted criminal aliens were released last year, 80,000 criminal aliens encountered by ICE weren’t even placed into deportation proceedings, 167,000 criminal aliens who were ordered deported are still at large, 341,000 criminal aliens released by ICE without deportation orders are known to be free and at large in the US. Again, this is cessation of deportations for everyone. They are leaving no illegal behind.

Lie #6: Don’t deport families: Obama is playing the family card. It works like this: people are encouraged to come here illegally, Obama grants them amnesty, then their relatives all get to come, even though they would otherwise be ineligible under public charge laws. Yet, at the same time, because the bureaucracy will be flooded with applications of illegals, and those are the applications that will be prioritized, those families who came here legally will have to wait longer to be united. There is no longer an incentive to enter the legal immigration process.

Lie #7: They have to pay taxes to stay: Aside from the absurd notion that they would turn someone away for not paying taxes, almost every one of these illegal immigrants lacks a high enough income to incur a net positive tax liability. Hence, by paying taxes, he actually means they will collect refundable tax credits!

Lie #8: Background Checks: Just the thought of a criminal background check of people coming from the third world on a lawless program is a joke. But the reality is that Obama has already done this with DACA, and 99.5% of applications were approved, including those of criminals.

Lie #9: Cracking Down on Illegal Immigration at the Border: Obama promises to beef up resources at the border. But as we’ve seen over the past few years, what good are more agents if they are explicitly intimidated into turning a blind eye. Moreover, there is no promise to build a fence or implement a visa tracking system, so any talk of enforcement is an insult to our intelligence. Moreover, he is unilaterally abolishing the Secure Communities program, the only successful interior enforcement program left after he abolished 287g state-federal cooperation in 2012. At a time when we are facing threats from Islamic terror and deadly diseases, this invitation to the world will present a security nightmare.

Lie #10: Scripture tells us, we shall not oppress a stranger: It’s great to see him quoting the Bible for once, but nice try. There are different variations of this verse throughout the Bible, but each one uses the Hebrew word “Ger” to describe what Obama translates as “stranger.” A Ger is a convert to Judaism. The commandment was not referring to people who illegally migrate to a nation state. And more importantly, it is downright offensive to Americans to insinuate that not granting them benefits is tantamount to oppression, especially given the fact that they have been the biggest recipients of our generous legal system. Moreover, if there is oppression taking place it is to the American taxpayer and worker and those who suffer from gangs like MS-13.

Daniel Horowitz is Senior Editor of Conservative Review.
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Re: Immigration reform ideas.

Postby Duel of Fates » Mon Nov 24, 2014 4:09 pm

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