I'm sick of Gameranger...

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I'm sick of Gameranger...

Postby V4n1ty » Sun Apr 26, 2015 1:44 am

I'll try to make this short. I am personally tired of hosting a server for Gameranger, mainly because of the pile of errors of trying to do so. My server isn't the best, but it was at least intended to give people something other than 4 man battles.

A least 4 or 5 times a day, the server hangs, and then everyone flocks to even more laggish servers like kids feeding birds at the park.

The server manager bugs out constantly, making it hard to ban,kick,swap etc.
I can't make more admins due to Gameranger blocking remote manager connections, which I did mention on their forum but the guy in charge doesn't give a rat's ass so that remains unsolved.

And on top of that there's usually some morons wall bugging that I can only get rid of if I happen to be in the game seeing them.
I got help from a modder to patch some exploits but it doesn't keep everyone from cheating.

I'd like to ask how many here who use Gameranger care if I gave up, I'm tired of wasting time monitoring something that's useless in the end because most players [female dog] about the game modes,lag,maps, etc. The administrator bugs caused by Gameranger's [poo] programming and the other balogna like not being able to talk in the lobby while in-game.

I considered turning the server into mods or something, maybe BFX/Conversion pack.
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Re: I'm sick of Gameranger...

Postby WD-40 » Sun Apr 26, 2015 3:17 am

Edit: Title got changed, therefore...
Last edited by WD-40 on Wed Apr 29, 2015 11:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: I'm sick of Gameranger...

Postby Ain't of Judgement » Sun Apr 26, 2015 10:20 am

I definitely would care, you're server is THE BEST !!!

Also, don't turn your server into a BFX mod, not that I dislike the mod (BFX 2.2 mod is btw my favorite mod), but because rocket launchers and explosives will be OP. Just test it out, You'll see that rockets will have a larger impact and are more lethal, it's an instant kill. I think the BFX mod is good for singleplayer but I might see some trouble for multiplayer. Well, you could also just patch rockets and explosives. That might work.

I don't really see trouble for the conversion pack.
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Re: I'm sick of Gameranger...

Postby [NH]Shadow » Sun Apr 26, 2015 12:00 pm

It's almost as if they don't realise GameMaster exists. :whistling:
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Re: I'm sick of Gameranger...

Postby Hobo » Sun Apr 26, 2015 8:52 pm

Gamemaster's better
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Re: I'm sick of Gameranger...

Postby CommanderOtto » Wed Apr 29, 2015 2:06 am


I love your server exactly as it is. I have been admin for swgo only for a short time, but i'm telling you, there will always be cheaters, glitchers, people complaining about map rotation... everything. With or without the server manager... with or without bans, there will always be a bunch that just don't give a damn. It's part of SWBF2. If all of this sucks as bad as you say it does, then why would your server reach the player limit? Truth is, it was the best option out there, and I beg that you reconsider bringing it back. Even on those days with glitchers, I have learned to not be bothered by it... it's not like it happens all the time.

but if you really feel that taking care of the server is too much, it's understandable as it can be a pain in the ass. Either way, thank you.

EDIT: by the way, I just read the little discussion on Gameranger forum... please, don't let the TKD people speak for others. Just because they don't like your server does not mean others don't. 64/64 players logged in your gameranger lobby is enough proof.
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Re: I'm sick of Gameranger...

Postby Bryant » Wed Apr 29, 2015 4:31 am

V4n1ty wrote:I can't make more admins due to Gameranger blocking remote manager connections, which I did mention on their forum but the guy in charge doesn't give a rat's ass so that remains unsolved.

Can you be more specific? I'm not sure what Gameranger really does, and I don't really want to download it... But I still might be able to help some.

Edit: by more specific I mean: Why do you think Gameranger blocks them? (does it block other connections like when using a web browser?) Are you running it from your home (or behind a router)?

Edit2: have you considered using gamemaster instead? It does seem like the better option...
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Re: I'm sick of Gameranger...

Postby V4n1ty » Wed Apr 29, 2015 11:11 am


I asked before on the noobranger forums about the blockage of the remote manager and the guy in charge says it on purpose to prevent outside traffic from reaching a session. (things like the luigi cmd crasher/fake player maker)

RM only seems to work if applied to the server from within the host machine, but that's pointless.
Also: Isn't there a anti-map hang patch some where? 1.5 doesn't prevent this.

I know VA's past is good with modding things, it would be nice to allow RM to work, as long as I have 1.5 server patch, things like luigi tool and the ingame crashing is futile so I'm not worried about being attacked. Most people on game ranger are technically illiterate kids anyway who can't even copy and paste.
If we can fix remote manager issue, I'll gladly make some admins so I don't have to check things every few hours.

Commander Otto;

TKD doesn't bother me, they're mostly children. They are also the reason why I got some one to help me fix up the glitches and weak spots in the levels.
And the server is down right now because the person I share the vpn with didn't pay the bill, and he's hard to contact so it may be a few days before it comes back. The third person I share it with suggested to ask for donations but I don't want to be a beggar, I don't know how to deal with transactions much anyway. The main person who's been paying uses Canadian currency.

Also for Bryant;
The same issue that blocks RM might be the same reason the SM [PLAYERS] tab doesn't work correctly when hosting on noobranger.
When the players tab does refresh, not often, it looks like gibberish, the same result you get when someone uses a name with comma glitch.
And yes Gamemaster is better but no one is there except for Europeans and the American team death mach clans, which doesn't amount to much.

If you want to fool around with gayranger, I compiled some notes to save you some grief.
1)Game ranger must detect either files named BattlefrontII.exe or swbf2sm.exe
2)You can't play or host on game ranger using a BattlefrontII.exe that has the Gameshare service hex edits.
2)If you're hosting an sm through game ranger you'll need a second computer and a second game ranger account if you want to join.
3)To prevent gameranger from skipping the profile selection screen in-game, move the mouse around really fast while the game boots up, it will skip gameranger macro functions and allow you to go back and change names.
4)If you wanna block ads on game ranger (am I allowed to post this here? if not erase it moderators)
Just google/youtube it, the main method simply involves editing hosts.file and redirecting ad links to or some global local ip address.
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Re: I'm sick of Gameranger...

Postby Bryant » Thu Apr 30, 2015 3:56 am

Hmmm... unfortunately it would be quite a while before I could test this out myself. The only thing I can suggest is trying to open the the ports for SM in your router (assuming you have one) - not really sure that it's an issue, but it's the best I have off the top of my head.
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Re: I'm sick of Gameranger...

Postby SG-17 » Thu Apr 30, 2015 12:00 pm

You know, you can still rent dedicated servers through GameMaster by using a virtual machine. Its what we do over on the PS2 side. I honestly don't know why anyone would use GameRanger when GameMaster is an actual GameSpy replacement and not laggy LAN tunnelling.

http://www.theswbfc.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=69 <--- How to rent a server.
http://www.theswbfc.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=60 <--- How to set up a server to run through GameMaster.
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