I can't imagine anybody wanting to see my ugly mug, but if you *really* are curious enough.... there's the occasional glimpse of me in quite a few of the rc-model flying videos I have on my youtube channel.
https://www.youtube.com/user/Flyswamper ... shelf_id=0I think the most recent "glimpse" of me fully in the footage is at the 3:06 mark in this video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNNLyqdwx78But I'm sprinkled in/around several of the others....mostly the "maiden flight and second flight" videos where I had an extra camera on the ground recording and not just my normal thing of having cameras on the plane itself.
For the few of you that actually remember me and are interested to keep up, suggest posting a comment or two on some of my youtube channel vids.... Odds are it will be until the next star wars movie release (or longer) before I look back here again and pick a thread to add my "I'm still kicking around" post to... :)