Hello {SWGO}.
I am {S}tar{W}ars{A}ddicted{G}amers {SWAG} Administrator & Owner.
It's just for saying that we are conqueering over Gameranger.
We have a 64 Slots Server and it's full everyday!
I would like to know if some of you want to join our clan for upcoming competitions against other clans.
Our Website: http://SWAGCLAN.000space.com & http://SWAGCLAN.000space.com/forums
I'm sorry for taking over what SWGO couldn't afford to make. (A dedicated server)
My server is hosted by https://cloud.google.com and almost everyone has very good PINGS about 90% have under 100ms latency with the server!!! Which is kinda impressive.
Thank you for reading this, and I'm looking forward a battle against you soon! (I got pretty good) :)
You can find me on twitter: https://twitter.com/independentcod @independentcod - Remi Girard
nuff said.
Good bye {SWGO} !