11_Panama_ wrote:I'm still good here. Vaccine free.
We each are dealing with Covid our own personal way. You can state what you are doing but no looking down at anyone else for their views on masking and vaccinating. We each have different situations to deal with.
I have lost a few family members to the Rona and despite that my (now former) best friend told me to kiss her ass and to stay away from her family cause my family and I opted to get vaccinated. She honestly believes that she can catch the Rona from you after you get vaccinated. She is a hardcore antivaxxer. It was a situation that really broke my heart after decades of friendship. I just don't want any divisiveness here. We have better things to get hot and bothered about like the ridiculousness that is Christine Weston Chandler. There's a rabbit hole for you all. I think I'll start a new thread just for those shenanigans.
~The Big Mama