Nice scores all way around guys.
The different modes of game play need to be split to determine kill/death ratios evenly. Comparing HA against conquest/campaign/XL just does not work. Bots in Elite mode in HA also can make it pretty difficult for players when engaging other players in combat. Jedi/sith/grevious can be harder to kill or get away from when you face another player and then they decide to stroll-in and engage you.
I think a major difference between HA and say conquest/campaign is that in HA mode it's very much get up close and personal to get the kills (via force/sabre melee) specifically in Mos Eisley whereas other modes you can employ vehicles/ships/turrets and weapons at at distance on a multitude of planets and in larger teams to gain the points.
That's not to detract anything from the scores posted before anyone kicks off and has a tantrum.
It's a rarity to see a full HA game with scores past 90 for one player especially when the server has a maximum of 30+ players and an average of say between 15 to 25 gamers plus the more skilled the players the more they attempt to evade and survive. Employing roof tops, close quarter combat generally takes place between 1 and 4 players, add more to the mix and you're like going to end up tk'd, or tp'd to death.
The more players in HA then there is a potential for higher scores but more deaths if you are not careful whereas lower numbers can mean harder work to gain the kills due to players employing roof-tops, hit/strike type tactics and using strategy/speed/skill to out manoeuvre your opponent. The higher skills of the players the harder it is to get high scores in HA.
Pullers as we all know have a significant advantage due to the distance of the pull compared with push/choke/lightning where you have to be closer to get the strike and as we know with the exception of choke and lightning there's a lot of blocking taking place in a chess-type engagement before a kill is attained.
We all know how difficult it can be when an experienced fett/han/Leia are sniping at u or a wookie with rockets especially when covered by their team, getting to kill those player types means your block needs to be on whilst avoiding the jedi/sith etc attempting to kill you on the run-up.
It also makes it difficult when you become the player everyone else most wants to kill and you have four to six chasing you down with a variety of force powers. Not many can last long with the numbers stacked against them when the players they are facing are very skilled.
I'll not even go into the lag-side of things.
Anyway that's my take on it. I'm sure as always people will have different views but that's only to be expected, so go for it.