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Re: Admin

Postby Yanoda » Thu Jun 03, 2010 10:59 pm

I understand your frustration FETT, I was like that when I came to HA for the first time. Complaining about tk and ks constantly...
But what I learned over the years is that: constant complaining and using harsh statements do not fix the problem.
Just kindly ask the person that he/she should try not to ks.
If it persists, ask an admin kindly if they would check the matter.
If there is no admin at the moment, just keep your cool. Players (the abusers) tend to enjoy it when others are getting frustrated while playing.

Retaliate with kindness. It usually works.


P.S. What is a face doing in my sentence? :eek: It stares at me weirdly...
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Re: Admin

Postby Zephyr » Fri Jun 04, 2010 12:59 am

I need to clear up what a "ks" is.

Scenario 1:

Two players are swinging sabers. Neither of them is on the floor (stunned), and neither of them is immediately going to get the other. Either of them could win, depending.

Q: Can I push to get the enemy?

A: ?

Scenario 2:

A player is pushing another. The pushed one (villain) hits against a wall, so then recovers quickly. Let's say this guy is Darickus, I know he'll back slash or find a way to beat the hero. The hero looks doomed.

Q: Can I save the hero?

A: ?

Now I'm heroes. Is the rule "If the villain is not stunned and you kill him, it is not a ks" or is it "If the hero is fighting; even if he will probably lose; it's a ks"?

It's frustrating me that you guys are accusing me of ks. As for tp... I seriously don't do it on purpose. I don't do it as much anymore. Tk I don't do that much, but if I do, it's a accident. I don't retaliate with tk anymore.

Someone give me an exact definition of kses or I'll most likely explode and turn to the dark side :P :star-wars-smiley-026:



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Re: Admin

Postby koolcat101 » Fri Jun 04, 2010 2:53 am

My advice:

1. Rip the T and Y buttons of the keyboard

2. Glue your hands onto the wasd, shift, mouse and any other buttons.

3. Please for the love of God just play and learn to shut up when to shut up. I admitt I complain quite a bit sometimes. Then I tend to remeber to shut up and then I can kill and not be killed.

4. Force: it IS INDEED ALLOWED. I admitt I tend to call ayla characters noobs. No body likes force. But REMEMBER force can be BLOCKED. Try tapping the [f] button.

5: Guns ARE allowed. So perhaps feel free to gun down a force user from a distance. :dots:

6. TP and KS. TP Means Team Push. As force push covers a large area it may indeed be an accident. KS means Kill Steal. This is most often on purpose. If you simply see someone on the ground wait 5 secs but still moving back and forth then charge. If someone is killing someone else DON'T be a [m'kay] ayla jerk and pull them.

7. Can't you just not read tha chat?

Zephyr wrote:I need to clear up what a "ks" is.

Scenario 1:

Two players are swinging sabers. Neither of them is on the floor (stunned), and neither of them is immediately going to get the other. Either of them could win, depending.

Q: Can I push to get the enemy?

A: ?

Scenario 2:

A player is pushing another. The pushed one (villain) hits against a wall, so then recovers quickly. Let's say this guy is Darickus, I know he'll back slash or find a way to beat the hero. The hero looks doomed.

Q: Can I save the hero?

A: ?

Now I'm heroes. Is the rule "If the villain is not stunned and you kill him, it is not a ks" or is it "If the hero is fighting; even if he will probably lose; it's a ks"?

It's frustrating me that you guys are accusing me of ks. As for tp... I seriously don't do it on purpose. I don't do it as much anymore. Tk I don't do that much, but if I do, it's a accident. I don't retaliate with tk anymore.

Someone give me an exact definition of kses or I'll most likely explode and turn to the dark side :P :star-wars-smiley-026:



Mr. Bewildered.


Mark this topic as :spamr:

Enough said.

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Re: Admin

Postby koolcat101 » Fri Jun 04, 2010 3:04 am

Zephyr wrote:. Sorry everyone about what's been happening. I promise to change. If I really do change, then I'll set my goal to admin once more.

Knowing you you'll never make admin.

Why does this remind me so much of the old me....

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Re: Admin

Postby Sketchup » Fri Jun 04, 2010 5:28 am

I Say zep is a badass. He should at least be considered for an administrative position on this basis alone. (;
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Re: Admin

Postby KOko » Fri Jun 04, 2010 7:39 am


Let's give Zephyr some credit for trying to improve!

Yes, there is A LOT of room for improvement, but lets not beat him down... just give him ideas how to improve even more.

So.... Zephyr, nice try, bro! :lol:
About your scenarios... there is no ultimate answer to any of them. You choose what to do and you should be ready to become a savior or a KSer... those are the ways of The Force...
You must realize that KS, TP, TK.... everything happens all the time, and it had happened with any of us.
The punishment may come if it's on purpose or if it's a really careless player. You are close to the second type.
Sometimes you are so obsessed by the wish to take a kill you underestimate the situation and position of your teammates and that may lead you to TK or KS.
You call it accident, I call it carelessness. Sometimes saying SORRY even if it was an accident will save your day. But again, 5 sry's in a min are just carelessness.
About the chat... just keep in on a MINIMUM. Play the frakkin game, man! If you wanna chat go on xfire.

So.... keep on improving! and you may become a non-disruptive player someday. :twisted:
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Re: Admin

Postby SWINE FLU » Fri Jun 04, 2010 10:06 am

Zephyr, I admit that many people can annoy me and others on the Hero Server (like AVE AVE). You just need to cool down a bit if someone annoys you. For example, pull and beat them and listen to them moan. Or even stop yourself from typing or leave the server and wait for that person to leave.

KS, TP, TK can be very annoying when people do it often. If you live with it and get used to what you have to do then it'll get less annoying. Don't shout at people because that'll make them do it more and more.

Just learn to not press "T" as much and you'll do fine.

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Re: Admin

Postby Zephyr » Fri Jun 04, 2010 4:09 pm

Cat, if you're soap, which I think you are; shut up. I don't listen to you anyways. You're talking to me like if I'm 3!

Lol @ Sketch

Koko, finally someone encourages me; the last person I would think to do that :D

Everyone, as I said, I'm trying to talk less. So far I've succeeded mostly in talking in "civil" (not shouting at ksers or saying what an idiot) way, I still need to work on the amount. As you probably all know, I naturally talk a lot anyways. :punk:

cyall on da battlefield. I'll be watching you. :eek: :gunsmilie:

Acid/Boba/Myth/Zephyr/Falcon/Cookie/Aayla Secura/ whatev...
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Re: Admin

Postby samonuh » Fri Jun 04, 2010 7:36 pm

Zephyr wrote:I need to clear up what a "ks" is.

Isn't it when you steal a kill?
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Re: Admin

Postby DARTHYODA » Fri Jun 04, 2010 8:02 pm

Ok i generally think of a Kill steal (KS) is when a player is going to kill the enemy and somebody else goes and finishes the kill. This usally happens with pullers. If a player is attacking a enemy then don't attack leave it. Now that being said if the player attacking over sprint attacks the enemy and the enemy gets back up and goes to attack you can go kill the enemy. You can save team mates too if theres going to get killed. If your team mate is allmost dead you are allowed to push/pull/choke or whatever you do the save your team mate. When i gun on Hero assult and i'm helping kill a enemy and i kill the enemy i don't get called a kill stealer.

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