Gamerz vs SWGO Triathlon Scrim

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Re: Gamerz vs SWGO Triathlon Scrim

Postby Doves » Wed Jun 29, 2011 2:45 pm

what a surprise, nobody wants to play hoth....
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Re: Gamerz vs SWGO Triathlon Scrim

Postby WD-40 » Wed Jun 29, 2011 4:33 pm

ProfessorDreadNaught wrote: NO ONE at SWGO seems to be able to organize anything!

If someone (like MT) wants to organize a match with you, he will. Perhaps earlier than 1 am his time in Spain would be better...and on a weekend it shouldn't be that difficult. Saying we can't organize anything is a bit ignorant, considering we play as the #1 server, with great Admins, and having our fair share of great players. If it was a disorganized, I seriously doubt we could even hope to make that claim.

ProfessorDreadNaught wrote: Gamerz does these things all the time.

And we, at SWGO, do not. That's a big reason we're a community. (wink wink) We like friendly competition, but it's really built to compete with each other on the SWGO servers.

ProfessorDreadNaught wrote:I DO think it will be fun. Sure we have more historically competitive players, but from the sounds of your forum posts a lot of your guys fancy themselves competitors too. Let them try, see what it's like with what is left of the competitive community.

This is true. I can think of a few whom boast quite frequently, and have a high regard for their (usually proven) abilities in this game. I can think of some that, I personally, would like to see play for SWGO for the conquest map (short list of candidates):
Jedi Power
And there's others, a few I can't think of, and others I haven't really gauged performance and consistency at high score due to my not being on as much lately. So sorry to those murdering butchers that I left off. :gunsmilie:

ProfessorDreadNaught wrote:I'm not trying to stack any deck nor set anything up. For conquest it was between Hoth and Geo (most other maps are speed runs to capture cp's and end the round quickly). Hoth offered a more diverse set of tools, with speeders, turrets, ATST and ATATs. With a high ticket count and tanks/turrets the round can last awhile and go either way.

Wrong. Hoth is good for Speeder whores and snipers. Turrets are easily destroyed. The fast speeders have a HUGE advantage over Soldiers on the ground and ATs. Speeders always loop over spawn points and destroy enemy spawners too quickly. Becomes pointless to spawn. The AT's are useless crap against speeders too, and Vader moves like he's got 200 pounds of lead in his pants. I'd rather have Lukes force push than a stupid Vader choke hold. Same on Geonosis with Mace's Push versus Dookus choke. Yet, Geo is also a sniper's playground, and WAY too open.
The maps that require tactical thinking, decent cover without being too open or enclosed, options, and provide a good mix of the different weapondry (Soldier/Vanguard/Magna/Officer/Wookie/Darkies/Engys etc) is Naboo, maybe Tatooine (with the Cantina) and Coruscant. Mygeeto provides a dead end on the tower pad (trapped) just like that other map where Grevious gets killed in the movie... and Mustafar where you're trapped at the options once surrounded. Jabbas, Tant 4 and Polis Massa may be too enclosed for good competition and variety, as those are det and mine noob maps. Kamino is pretty good, but it's a heavy sniper map...maybe too open. Death Star is okay...maybe.[/quote]

ProfessorDreadNaught wrote:Bottom line, it'll be as fun as each player wants to make it. It's as fair as I can draw it up and I hope to see a large number of participants, both old and new.

I hope it works out. :gunsmilie:
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Re: Gamerz vs SWGO Triathlon Scrim

Postby fightingclam » Wed Jun 29, 2011 6:10 pm

The ONE possible way the Emps can win at Hoth is if the speeders are stacked(4(or 6) people out of 6), leaving only 2(or less) on the ground.
If the Emps could get CP3, then they could potentially capture the hangar, then attempt to take out the speeders while they protect the hangar. Assuming there are 6 people per team.

And I agree with WD, Geonosis is too open to sniping. :whistling:

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Re: Gamerz vs SWGO Triathlon Scrim

Postby (SWGO)Minas_Thirith » Wed Jun 29, 2011 6:30 pm


:eek: :lol: :lol: :punk:

To add to all this, it's alwayes about competicion.
But i recall quite well that SWGO members and admins, or at least this is how it ussed to be, quit competicion.
At SWGO we play to have fun, now you can say "A friendly and funny competicion" but we all know you take this game WAY too seriosly and will do anything to win.

Even tough things can be fun, people change on competicion, i sould know of all people.
I almost broke a friendship over a "friendly" fight, so i don't do Friendly fights anymore.
Also, Dread, say all you want about it but we all know what happens when you and Leggz fight on HA.

So quit jamming about Us not being organised.
I keep hearing from so much people how bad SWGO and how their clan/communety is SOOO much better.
Yet these same players come on the SWGO servers and actually play on them, so tell me why is that? please do dread, since i alwayes see you on HA dc instead of Gmrz servers.

MT :nutz:
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Re: Gamerz vs SWGO Triathlon Scrim

Postby ATCStewart » Wed Jun 29, 2011 6:38 pm

(SWGO)MinasThirith wrote:

I keep hearing from so much people how bad SWGO and how their clan/communety is SOOO much better.
Yet these same players come on the SWGO servers and actually play on them, so tell me why is that?
MT :nutz:

True dat!
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Re: Gamerz vs SWGO Triathlon Scrim

Postby Corpse » Wed Jun 29, 2011 7:18 pm

Let's be honest. Some of the kids that wear SWGO tags are among the least coordinated, articulate, considerate and obedient of this game.
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Re: Gamerz vs SWGO Triathlon Scrim

Postby (SWGO)Minas_Thirith » Wed Jun 29, 2011 7:23 pm

Corpse wrote:Let's be honest. Some of the kids that wear SWGO tags are among the least coordinated, articulate, considerate and obedient of this game.

BE honest here corpse, ANYONE and i mean ANYONE can wear them.
We do not selectively recruit, i remember quite well that BANNED troublemakers come here to complain, and afterwards wear SWGO tags.
So yes your right on the part that some kids who wear them aren't coordinated nor obidient.
But it's not up to us for them to deside if they want to wear tags or not, since we allow anyone to wear them :wheelchair:
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Re: Gamerz vs SWGO Triathlon Scrim

Postby Corpse » Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:09 pm

I was attempting to provide an explanation as to why some players regard SWGO as a community worthy of their disdain. We allow some completely [m'kay] up idiots to represent us and that gives others a bad impression.
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Re: Gamerz vs SWGO Triathlon Scrim

Postby (SWGO)Kren » Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:29 pm

I don't do competions because of:

* Being bothered about competions in a more formal setting.
* The time differences across the globe.
* The freakin lag associated with me connecting to the US from the UK and warping all over the shop. It ain't much fun when the lag icon is flashing when you are trying to chill and have fun.
* The massive amount of players with egos to match that whine when they lose, they do nothing for me.

I'm not saying I would never do a competition and if you are really stuck I'll try and find time but if others want to put themselves forward then go for it and have fun.


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Re: Gamerz vs SWGO Triathlon Scrim

Postby sinty » Wed Jun 29, 2011 9:41 pm

WD-40 wrote:
ProfessorDreadNaught wrote: NO ONE at SWGO seems to be able to organize anything!

If someone (like MT) wants to organize a match with you, he will. Perhaps earlier than 1 am his time in Spain would be better...and on a weekend it shouldn't be that difficult. Saying we can't organize anything is a bit ignorant, considering we play as the #1 server, with great Admins, and having our fair share of great players. If it was a disorganized, I seriously doubt we could even hope to make that claim.

ProfessorDreadNaught wrote: Gamerz does these things all the time.

And we, at SWGO, do not. That's a big reason we're a community. (wink wink) We like friendly competition, but it's really built to compete with each other on the SWGO servers.

ProfessorDreadNaught wrote:I DO think it will be fun. Sure we have more historically competitive players, but from the sounds of your forum posts a lot of your guys fancy themselves competitors too. Let them try, see what it's like with what is left of the competitive community.

This is true. I can think of a few whom boast quite frequently, and have a high regard for their (usually proven) abilities in this game. I can think of some that, I personally, would like to see play for SWGO for the conquest map (short list of candidates):
Jedi Power
And there's others, a few I can't think of, and others I haven't really gauged performance and consistency at high score due to my not being on as much lately. So sorry to those murdering butchers that I left off. :gunsmilie:

ProfessorDreadNaught wrote:I'm not trying to stack any deck nor set anything up. For conquest it was between Hoth and Geo (most other maps are speed runs to capture cp's and end the round quickly). Hoth offered a more diverse set of tools, with speeders, turrets, ATST and ATATs. With a high ticket count and tanks/turrets the round can last awhile and go either way.

Wrong. Hoth is good for Speeder whores and snipers. Turrets are easily destroyed. The fast speeders have a HUGE advantage over Soldiers on the ground and ATs. Speeders always loop over spawn points and destroy enemy spawners too quickly. Becomes pointless to spawn. The AT's are useless crap against speeders too, and Vader moves like he's got 200 pounds of lead in his pants. I'd rather have Lukes force push than a stupid Vader choke hold. Same on Geonosis with Mace's Push versus Dookus choke. Yet, Geo is also a sniper's playground, and WAY too open.
The maps that require tactical thinking, decent cover without being too open or enclosed, options, and provide a good mix of the different weapondry (Soldier/Vanguard/Magna/Officer/Wookie/Darkies/Engys etc) is Naboo, maybe Tatooine (with the Cantina) and Coruscant. Mygeeto provides a dead end on the tower pad (trapped) just like that other map where Grevious gets killed in the movie... and Mustafar where you're trapped at the options once surrounded. Jabbas, Tant 4 and Polis Massa may be too enclosed for good competition and variety, as those are det and mine noob maps. Kamino is pretty good, but it's a heavy sniper map...maybe too open. Death Star is okay...maybe.

ProfessorDreadNaught wrote:Bottom line, it'll be as fun as each player wants to make it. It's as fair as I can draw it up and I hope to see a large number of participants, both old and new.

I hope it works out. :gunsmilie:[/quote]

Just wanted to say that I am not a bragger and if i do boast, its jokingly and to make fun of myself. Being the best at BFII is the same as being the best retard in special ed class. Its not something to brag about. I mean...all 3,000 hours of my bfii game time have been a result of an accident in 06 and a lack of interest in other games. BFII is unique, and if it werent for Leggz and Padawannabe72 crying so much when I kill them...i would never play swbfii again :P

no other game offers the sheer volume of trolling possibilities as SWBFII does. :)
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