Dark Trooper - The Glitch

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Re: Dark Trooper - The Glitch

Postby Wolvi » Sun Jul 29, 2012 3:04 am

Okay, sooo I would start making fun of most of you.. But I think I might feel a little bad considering most of you guys require a helmet in order to eat cheese and crackers. So I don't quite understand the point of this Darkie Glitch ban? So the dark trooper can drop you in a good few seconds if he knows what he's doing -which the majority of swgo doesn't know? purely because of lack of practice. So are you going to ban others for being able to throw a det around conners? I'm really failing to see the point of this entire thread. Your mad that the dark trooper can potentially one shot other classes? When potentially any other class can as well? Boohoo. A dark can dish out 5 shocks until its recharge/ reload. A wookie can deal much much more damage, if he switches from his bow caster to his nade launder. So are you going to ban wookies from switching weapons? Maybe ban engineers because they can randomly 1 shot people 50 feet away? Or perhaps ban them because they can heal themselves while fighting? Maybe ban snipers run because it's faster then other classes? I don't understand how players can go this long playing the game and still complain about the class balance. Do you understand how god damn retarded you all sound?

You all play on a server with team killing off, which allows playing to rush themselves in an attempt to kill another player.. And you don't think that is a little cheap? You play with tanks on, which gives one player a bigger advantage then the other.. And you don't think that is a little cheap? You play with bots that run around and give you free kills.. And you don't think thats a little cheap? Or being a jedi or having awards? Get a grip, JBA is a server for casual playing, not competitive gameplay. If it was, it wouldn't be "betcha I can mine the most bots and autistic kids first!". Complaining about darkie glitching should be the last thing on your minds. You can't control it and you can't monitor it.

And for the record, every class can "darkie glitch" as long as you can jump, hit your head off of something and come to the ground fast in order let off another burst. All your suggestion is going to do is cause even more "admin, look he killed me in a bad way". Just play the game, if your sick of it, leave.. if you suck, play with people with an IQ over 3. Either way take your helmets and mouth-guards off, darkie shocks won't actually hurt you in real life
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Re: Dark Trooper - The Glitch

Postby sinty » Sun Jul 29, 2012 3:06 am

Unit_14 wrote:
THEWULFMAN wrote:Unit_14. I'm the troll in this situation, yet you're the one who decided to make love to your Caps Lock key.


569 posts and the incessant need to reply to everything like some arrogant blowhard? Versus, this, my 17th post. I have a tan because I go outside. You should try it sometime, troll boy.

I'm sorry my medically crippled ass spends a lot of his time indoors bedridden. I'm sorry I communicate with others in the internet. I'm sorry I don't have a tan.

dang dude, was that medial commend directed towards me, who told you i couldnt walk and had a medical thing going on with my lower leg areas, holy crap man you sunk to a new low...new low standard has been reached congrats. not even pad72, leggzthelegend, not even canruptis or any of the other extremely low players i can think of have ever once gone that route towards me....danggggg i actually got red in the face with sadness when you said that. congrats on being the worst of the worst, first you start talking about rapists and then you bash someone for a medical condition they have no control over...lol dang!!!
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Re: Dark Trooper - The Glitch

Postby Eyes Only » Sun Jul 29, 2012 3:09 am

WD-40 wrote:Personally, since the opposing team doesn't have the advantage of rocket packs to fly against a DT or across the maps quickly, I'd just assume get rid of the DTs from the maps and replace them with something that doesn't fly or maybe the Jet Trooper. Is that even possible...short of creating some ban on DT abuse?

Well, we could reduce the damage the arc caster does, that would make it impossible to kill normal troops with a 2-step glitch.

I vote we all just stick to the topic at hand.
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Re: Dark Trooper - The Glitch

Postby [NR]Delta » Sun Jul 29, 2012 3:49 am

We all could just learn to snipe, or use cover effectively. Darkies are only effective at close range.
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Re: Dark Trooper - The Glitch

Postby Nuzza » Sun Jul 29, 2012 4:07 am

I encounter this issue regularly but I don't believe it is an issue to admin. I also don't like being an admin and having people cry to me about it. Oh and I am female, hell I can cry at the drop of a hat yet try to refrain. Yes depending on my mood it can be highly annoying if you get a couple of darks working together using this glitch but this is merely a game and if I take it too seriously I am the fool. Personally I take a very high moral ground with regard to glitching and I refuse to use the glitches on public servers. This doesn't mean I don't try everything in the book on my own server. I also enforce the rules of no glitching on the servers I admin, none of the rules include the DT glitch. DT's can be taken down and are prime targets lol. There is immense satisfaction in taking down someone using this glitch in particular. All this thread has probably done is made people want to try it themselves in revenge mode.
My stance is forewarned is forearmed. I don't think admin should waste time trying to enforce it and even more time listening to a myriad of complaints about it.
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Re: Dark Trooper - The Glitch

Postby kjeopardy » Sun Jul 29, 2012 4:14 am

Nuzza wrote:I encounter this issue regularly but I don't believe it is an issue to admin. I also don't like being an admin and having people cry to me about it. Oh and I am female, hell I can cry at the drop of a hat yet try to refrain. Yes depending on my mood it can be highly annoying if you get a couple of darks working together using this glitch but this is merely a game and if I take it too seriously I am the fool. Personally I take a very high moral ground with regard to glitching and I refuse to use the glitches on public servers. This doesn't mean I don't try everything in the book on my own server. I also enforce the rules of no glitching on the servers I admin, none of the rules include the DT glitch. DT's can be taken down and are prime targets lol. There is immense satisfaction in taking down someone using this glitch in particular. All this thread has probably done is made people want to try it themselves in revenge mode.
My stance is forewarned is forearmed. I don't think admin should waste time trying to enforce it and even more time listening to a myriad of complaints about it.

Well said.
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Re: Dark Trooper - The Glitch

Postby THEWULFMAN » Sun Jul 29, 2012 5:40 am

Well at this point Eyes Only, I actually care about what I say now. So I'll address everything pertaining to Zero now.

Eyes Only wrote:OK first things first, the engine battlefront uses is NOT zero. If you're going to start bashing my information with technicalities, learn the basics first, have some conversations with the developers, and learn how the game works. The only game ever to use zero was Star Wars: The Clone Wars on ps2 and xbox.

I do know how the game works, I've only just spent the past two years of my life devoted to modding it. Your blatantly wrong comment about the only game to use Zero being SWTCW put all suspicions aside that you might be right, and made me devoted to proving it in the most proof filled and concise way that I can.

Eyes Only wrote:WHERE exactly do they repeatedly call the engine zero? Can you find ANY references whatsoever in battlefront 2 that explicitly says it is the zero engine? How about in the developer documentation? I'm pretty sure Nathan Mates (one of the main developers of the game) knows what hes talking about when he corrected me about how they discontinued zero after they found out it "didn't play well with consoles" and that they created an entirely new engine for the battlefront series. His explanation for the editor having the same name was "why create entirely new tools when you can just adapt what you already have".

Where is your proof it wasn't Zero? For starters, how about the email(?) you got from Nathan stating this? You have not even provided a counter to what it actually uses.

As to the best of my knowledge, Zero was used in Battlezone II, Dark Reign II, Mercenaries 2, Star Wars: The Clone Wars(2002), LotR: Conquest, Battlefront, and Battlefront II. The model file format (.msh) is the same in SWTCW, SWBF, and SWBF2. This specific .msh format is only used in those three games. Possibly more (LotR: Conquest maybe). There is no way they built an engine entirely from scratch.

This post on Gametoast by the user Teancum proves that Zero is used in more games than just SWTCW. Don't know who Teancum is? Here's his Wikipedia page. I trust his word way more than yours. He's the guy I mentioned who knows way more than you or I do.

Edited: Another post where he mentions Zero. And another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another(this one's a good one). Keep in mind this guy has 15+ years experience as an IT guy, he knows what he's talking about. The point I'm trying to make here is that this man knows Zero was used in Battlefront's 1 and 2, and he's to be trusted. Yes the number of links of redundant to prove my point but damnit I don't care.

I'd write more but I have things to do.

Eyes Only wrote:Also, I told drai to create the thread.

Well, fair enough. But why not do it yourself?

Eyes Only wrote:And the basic definition of a physics engine is any software designed to approximately simulate a part or parts of real-world physics.

Right. I know. It doesn't have that. It's got lua scripts that emulate parts of physics(like the supposed "gravity" which can be edited), but that's not software designed to simulate a part or parts of real-world physics.

[m'kay] wrote:Wulf, thanks for the paragraphs defending yourself, but they don't really matter. You're not looking for my approval? So what, you think i'm the only one pissed off that you brought up rape in a [m'kay] star wars forum? Jesus christ, so you don't like some mod that makes women show their titties, clearly you are a staunch ally in the battle for women's rights. You know, except for the rape analogy thing. I'm not saying you don't have the right to stand up for women's rights, i'm saying that calling someone out for being misogynistic right after what you said makes you look like a goddamn idiot.

I don't see how what I said was misogynistic as it was. I didn't say women should be raped, I just was trying to come up with some sort of analogy for Sinty's stupid comment about "avoiding the darkies solves the problem." I didn't say that because I didn't like that mod that I was a staunch ally in the battle for women's rights (I am but not for that reason). I was simply making the point that I didn't all of a sudden start attacking misogynistic [derriere orifice] to try and make up for what I said.

Unit_14 wrote:Mr. have-sympathy-for-my-gimpish-trolling-I'm-sick Wulfman

Hey man, I didn't bring up my medical problems until you claimed I have no life. Trying to insult others in such infantile ways says nothing about your character, thus I really don't care what you have to say.

sinty wrote:
THEWULFMAN wrote:I'm sorry my medically crippled ass spends a lot of his time indoors bedridden. I'm sorry I communicate with others in the internet. I'm sorry I don't have a tan.

dang dude, was that medial commend directed towards me, who told you i couldnt walk and had a medical thing going on with my lower leg areas, holy crap man you sunk to a new low...new low standard has been reached congrats. not even pad72, leggzthelegend, not even canruptis or any of the other extremely low players i can think of have ever once gone that route towards me....danggggg i actually got red in the face with sadness when you said that. congrats on being the worst of the worst, first you start talking about rapists and then you bash someone for a medical condition they have no control over...lol dang!!!

I don't even... what? I directly quoted Eyes Only, you weren't involved. Now you just look like you're vying for attention as a troll.
Last edited by THEWULFMAN on Sun Jul 29, 2012 5:50 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Dark Trooper - The Glitch

Postby Mandalore » Sun Jul 29, 2012 5:44 am

Dark Troopers are a high risk offensive character, if you can't stop that in a crowded 36 man server, then you're bad.
[04:25] -SR-Mandalore: who pitches and who catches
[04:29] (SWGO)SWINE*FLU: We'll do it in turns.
[04:30] -SR-Mandalore: That sounds super fair
[04:30] -SR-Mandalore: Do you think other gay couples do that?
[04:30] (SWGO)SWINE*FLU: I reckon so.

and you come with the name Mandalore... really CREATIVE.
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Re: Dark Trooper - The Glitch

Postby Nathan_Mates » Sun Jul 29, 2012 5:45 am

Eyes Only wrote:WHERE exactly do they repeatedly call the engine zero? Can you find ANY references whatsoever in battlefront 2 that explicitly says it is the zero engine? How about in the developer documentation? I'm pretty sure Nathan Mates (one of the main developers of the game) knows what hes talking about when he corrected me about how they discontinued zero after they found out it "didn't play well with consoles" and that they created an entirely new engine for the battlefront series. His explanation for the editor having the same name was "why create entirely new tools when you can just adapt what you already have".

The engine that Star Wars: Battlefront II uses is still called Zero. While it may not be the same exact engine used during its original conception, it is still the Zero engine at its foundation. This is similar to how there are various incarnations of the Unreal Engine. So if the engine Star Wars: Battlefront II uses is not called Zero, then what is it called? You don't seem to mention this other name.
Eyes Only wrote:Also, I told drai to create the thread. And the basic definition of a physics engine is any software designed to approximately simulate a part or parts of real-world physics.

There's no physics at all in the Battlefront games. There's as much physics in these games as there is in the old Super Mario games.
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Re: Dark Trooper - The Glitch

Postby Marth8880 » Sun Jul 29, 2012 5:48 am

Good to have you here, Mr. Mates. Image
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