Stranger wrote:DAMN GOOD statment. Now if only we could get rid of things like welfare and affimtive action. Now I understand SOME people need welfare but most ppeople on it dont need it or could get a job, BUT most of those people think "I don't have to work I can just get welfare." People expecting government hand outs is DISGUSTING.
Darth Crater wrote:... You realize you are advocating to let segments of our population starve, and stop correcting for the latent racism and sexism remaining in our society?
Excuse me? What part of my statement advocated those things?
Listen, my grandparents lived through the Great Depression. My mother's father was orphaned because his parents couldn't afford to raise him. They spent time instilling in their kids and their grandkids the values that helped them survive. Never wasting, reusing (there's nothing wrong with hand me down clothes), don't be greedy and take too much, value education and good manners and most importantly, respect the money earned by working hard and the people who earn it.
You see, it's a parents job to raise their children to have the ability to survive and thrive on their own. It's the most basic standard measure of success our society provides for both the parent and the child. Teach them to cook and clean and prepare them for a trade to earn money and how to spend it wisely. Being able to brag about the success of your kids and their progress towards personal achievement is both a sign and a reward of good parenting.
Having to take handouts from the government, the church or any organization should carry a personal stigma of failure or at least a sense of obligation to repay the debt. It doesn't mean you ARE a failure, but you certainly are NOT a success. That stigma should spur a person to repay the debt and strive harder for success. The people who feel that stigma couldn't bare it's increasing weight week after week, month after month to the tune of the current 99 weeks being paid out by today's Congress (another extension in November is being debated). These are the people referred to by the media as having "given up looking for a job" when nothing could be farther from the truth. These people gave up taking the dole and have made changes in their life/lifestyles to not use it or perhaps not need it.
That is the cultural change I am looking for. Not an end to government social programs, simply an end to the need for them.
Dad wrote:So much for this being about the election.....
This is politics in action. This thread began about who you were voting for. It has turned into "party rhetoric". The divisions are transparent to me. ALL career politicians are a cancer eating away at this country and have programed you to do this. Your minds have shifted from a simple question to "my candidate is better because...".
Your masters are pleased.
To answer the threads question i will say, I honestly don't know until I walk into line at the voting precinct who I will vote for. My comments and purpose of writing such comparatively long diatribes is to somehow educate and influence anyone who'll read it. I have no "master" no agenda and I think mine is not normal "party rhetoric".
“The hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evident which everybody has decided not to see.”
“You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality.”
"Freedom (n.): To ask nothing. To expect nothing. To depend on nothing."