Why? No response?

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Re: Why? No response?

Postby Femme Fatale » Tue Sep 11, 2012 6:49 am

bothan wrote:Wow this reminds me of a real life court situation where only the people who were there will ever know what happened because there just isn't any evidence either way! And just like a police officer's word is assumed to be the truth over a random person on here the Admin is assumed to be telling the truth. Not surprising or necessarily a bad system but there can be loosers if an Admin chooses to lie.

*I'm not saying anyone lied!

Besides myself and Matt and maybe a few more, no one remembers the OJ case, cuz they were too young! And you are EXACTLY right. This is my point. It's a 'he said- she said' sort of deal. Of course the admins have proof, cuz they run the servers, and have easy access to their own records. Its in their own power to dismiss or ignore their own records as they choose. Like somebody said, it ain't a [m'kay] democracy. LOL. Probably ripped that line off from some movie. But they are right about that....it's certainly no democracy. Weird.

It just sucks because there are so few servers to choose from in this game.....and i love this game, but come on guys. Ease up on the immediate kicking/bannning. People (like myself) who have owned this game for longer than many of the members in this community want to play on your servers! It's fun! Can't there be a limit on bans in a week or something?? I mean, seriously. It wasn't a big deal a couple years ago, and i remember the same problems. I played the SAME way. I played decent, and got owned by some others, but i kept coming back. Can't we go back to this way. MAtt chicago---whatever has changed, i beg you....please help.
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Re: Why? No response?

Postby SWINE FLU » Tue Sep 11, 2012 6:51 am

It was a kick. Just join again and forget about it. Don't argue or the situation gets worse. If you really believe that you were kicked for no reason, then it was a mistake, that's all. We're all human. Well... most... :lol:

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Re: Why? No response?

Postby Col. Hstar » Tue Sep 11, 2012 7:34 am

Femme Fatale wrote:Besides myself and Matt and maybe a few more, no one remembers the OJ case, cuz they were too young!

:lol: the OJ trial was only in '94 how young do you think "most" of us are.

Back on the subject, as far as a whether SWGO is a democracy, it's doesn't fall under infringement of human rights to deny someone play time in a video game server. It's a private server run on donations by people who like playing here just the way it is. You may have owned the game for eight years like most of us, but owning the game doesn't give you a stake in saying how things are run.
IMO I actually appreciate less slack being given. If one person starts disrupting and goes unpunished or warned others take matters into their own hands, so that by the time boots and bans are handed out 3 or 4 players have to get kicked which empties the servers and makes it unfun.
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Re: Why? No response?

Postby Femme Fatale » Tue Sep 11, 2012 7:45 am

Col. Homestar wrote:
Femme Fatale wrote:Besides myself and Matt and maybe a few more, no one remembers the OJ case, cuz they were too young!

:lol: the OJ trial was only in '94 how young do you think "most" of us are.

I believe most of you were pissing the bed or diapers when the trial was going on. Just sayin'.
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Re: Why? No response?

Postby WD-40 » Tue Sep 11, 2012 12:09 pm

I'm probably the oldest player in SWGO, so I remember very well watching a 'Criminal' get away with two brutal murders due to poor and inept Jurors, prosecution and oversight by the Judge.

As far as the "SWGO is not a Democracy", troublemakers expect there to be some sort of extravagant 'due process' pleading their case. Good God, it's a game! We hear the complaint, and if there was a mistake, the person is un-banned...and yes, it has happened! If the facts prove otherwise, the person serves the ban. It's that simple! Of course, we take the Admin's word over the Player...that's because they were 'proven' trustworthy Players before they became Admin. And if an Admin is un-worthy to be Admin, they are removed....Yes, it has happened too! Now, Femme, get off your soap box, stop whining, and play the game.
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Re: Why? No response?

Postby mrjamwin » Tue Sep 11, 2012 12:53 pm

I'm the third oldest here after Flyswamper who's the second oldest and I remember the OJ trial. :whistling:
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Re: Why? No response?

Postby Son » Tue Sep 11, 2012 1:33 pm

I remember it as well. I was sitting in P.E. class in high school watching the verdict being read. It's amazing that there aren't more overturned cases with all the misconduct on the prosecutors and law enforcement.
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Re: Why? No response?

Postby MATTHEW'S_DAD » Tue Sep 11, 2012 2:43 pm

I had just ets'd out of the Army.
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Re: Why? No response?

Postby Scrumtralescent » Tue Sep 11, 2012 3:19 pm

This thread has probably run its course, but just to put a capper on things. Though I don't really think I was mistaken in this case, have I made mistakes in the past with warns/kicks/bans? Of course I have, I'm human after all. If this was one of those cases, then just chalk it up to human error and keep playing within the rules and you won't have any more troubles.

Also fyi, I don't really like to discuss why I kicked/banned someone through in-game chat as I feel it disrupts the game for myself and others, but you have a point in that I might've considered letting you know why you were kicked in game after you came back. I'll keep this in mind in the future.
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Re: Why? No response?

Postby (SWGO)Johnny » Tue Sep 11, 2012 3:40 pm

Scrumtralescent wrote:This thread has probably run its course, but just to put a capper on things. Though I don't really think I was mistaken in this case, have I made mistakes in the past with warns/kicks/bans? Of course I have, I'm human after all. If this was one of those cases, then just chalk it up to human error and keep playing within the rules and you won't have any more troubles.

Also fyi, I don't really like to discuss why I kicked/banned someone through in-game chat as I feel it disrupts the game for myself and others, but you have a point in that I might've considered letting you know why you were kicked in game after you came back. I'll keep this in mind in the future.

Good response Scrumtrale, close thread?
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