I once shared with you the solution to your problems:
look at number 2 --
Like I said, if you want to move here, I'll completely support you (place to stay, help find you a job, etc)... just say the word.....
Darth Crater wrote: The solution is not to elect Nazis.
Darth Crater wrote:Which is something entirely separate from the discussion we were currently having.
Also, we already covered this. The solution is not to elect Nazis.
Duel of Fates wrote:Darth Crater wrote: The solution is not to elect Nazis.
Really? That's the solution? You are a goddamn genius Gump! Hey we can all relax. We don't need to protect ourselves. Crater figured it out. We just don't vote for Nazis and the world will be safe. Because Nazis are the only evil out there.
MATTHEW'S_DAD wrote: ANY GOVERNMENT will use ANY LEGISLATION to further grow itself. It's inevitable and there's no stopping it, I would just like to do what I can to slow it down as much as possible.
MATTHEW'S_DAD wrote:In 1938, Germany banned Jews from owning firearms. Within the next eight years 6 million Jews were exterminated.
NiteRunner81 wrote:Its a list of the top 5 states people are moving in and moving out of..
MATTHEW'S_DAD wrote:Darth Crater wrote:Dad wrote:Crater, check the crime stats in any or every country immediately after a gun ban went into effect.
They skyrocketed because criminals don't obey laws. Sure, gun deaths went down. Almost every other type of crime went up.
I live in New Jersey where it is a crime to defend yourself, even from an animal. Check the crime stats for my state, aside from gun deaths.
We will become a nation of victims, mark my words.
Do you have specific examples? I've heard Australia cited, but that appears to be false. I've also heard Britain mentioned, but, the conclusion there also seems to be "no significant change."
In 1938, Germany banned Jews from owning firearms. Within the next eight years 6 million Jews were exterminated.
Darth Crater wrote:Dad wrote:Crater, check the crime stats in any or every country immediately after a gun ban went into effect.
They skyrocketed because criminals don't obey laws. Sure, gun deaths went down. Almost every other type of crime went up.
I live in New Jersey where it is a crime to defend yourself, even from an animal. Check the crime stats for my state, aside from gun deaths.
We will become a nation of victims, mark my words.
Do you have specific examples? I've heard Australia cited, but that appears to be false (quoting a liberal or conservative website does nothing to help your case). I've also heard Britain (armed robbery includes any type of weapon in Britain, they only speak of fireamred robbery) mentioned, but, the conclusion there also seems to be "no significant change (if you think american media is the only one capable of "spin", you are sadly misinformed)."
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