WD-40 wrote:Bailey wrote:WD-40 wrote:Bottom line is: Guns in the hands of resposible and law-abiding people hardly ever creates any serious issues, aside from self-defense and lack of proper training. On the flip side, guns in the hands of irresponsible and violent people, whether gangs or mentally unstable individuals ALWAYS creates serious issues to include fatalities. So...the question is, how do you take guns away from violent individuals without infringing on the rights of the law-abiding citizens? And HOW do you remove guns completely from the reach of violent individuals (any gun or rifle)?
Answer: You cant! Guns, like alcohol during prohibition, will always be available for a price. Outlaw whatever you want, if there's money or profit to be made, where there's a 'demand', there will always be a 'supply'. Get it?!? Simple Economics of Supply vs. Demand. (Kinda like the drug trade too). May not be legal, but then, who cares? The lawless wacks [b]do not give a damn what Obama or you whiny anti-gun advocates think! Get over yourselves and join reality![/b]
Spoken like a REALLY rational gun nut. Just because you can't completely eliminate a problem does mean you should not attempt to cut down on it. If gun legislation stops even one mass murder then it would be worth it. I agree that we will never be able to completely control assault weapons and the like, but we can at least help the problem. If you think otherwise than your gun's have blinded you and you are ignorant.
Well, Bailey, it goes both ways, so your ignorance abounds too. So you happen to have been interviewed by my co-workers because you happen to have been standing near him. A murderous nut who would have waxed you too if he had the chance. Glad he didn't. And I wish he'd have been capped right at the start. Problem is...you didn't know what he was capable of. How could you? You didn't know him. But someone out there did. Can't catch them all. But you missed my point entirely. Making smaller magazines isn't going to solve a damn thing! OTHERS will MAKE them ILLEGALLY! Get it?!? A government can LEGALLY take things away. But things can be made ILLEGALLY. THAT's my point, that's all. It's a waste of time to try to take a piss on a raging inferno thinking you're gonna put out the fire. Ain't gonna happen!
So we should do nothing and just let atrocities keep on occurring? A lot of these mass murders are white boys from the suburbs. Are you telling me that they could have gotten their hands on illegal weapons that easily if they were illegal? I understand that things like extended magazines would still be available illegally, but how would some of these people with no criminal past or connections really get them? If it stopped even one of them from killing a few people, wouldn't it be worth it?
Col. Homestar wrote:But you don't let the fire burn the house down, simply because its too big. And you don't fight the fire with more fire.
A lot of these maniacs and wackos were considered "law abiding citizens" before they snapped. They already had access to their guns. That's why insisting on mental and comp tests to buy and renew a licenses would help, not solve HELP.
Imagine if just one of those wack jobs had been deemed mentally unstable and had their guns taken away.....
I completely agree that you should not "let the house burn down". While I wish that mental evaluations would be a more viable option, realistically this would be much harder to enforce than simple gun restrictions. In the short term, common sense gun laws are the low hanging fruit. They are the first bite that we need to take out of a much bigger problem in order to start making progress.