I emailed Glu Mobile about a month or so ago - I got a form letter reply.
Dear John,
Thank you for contacting Glu Mobile Customer Care.
Some of our older apps become obsolete after months or years of activity. They fall from our list of active products and no more work or updates are planned for these apps.
Most of these apps were released before new mobile devices existed. Behavior like screen alignment, screen aspect issues, game performance or game crashing at startup; to name a few; are a sign of the app not being compatible with the new device.
We regret to inform you that the game that you are inquiring about has been discontinued and is now considered a legacy game; We no longer have updates or support for it unfortunately.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Thank you.
Abrar Khan
Glu Mobile Customer Care
Sooooo they basically told me nothing while telling me everything. I'd assume that means that yes these projects /are/ the only thing to save SWBF2 now. Or Valve could be really REALLY cool.