Hi Mace,
Just to add to Matt's reply.
In answer to your questions etc, let me work through your post:
Your Statement: which means no one can complain if its just the odd ks every now and again, because technically thats allowed.
My Reply: There is nothing wrong in saying to someone to be careful about team pushing. A lot of team pushing is open to interpretation. You can complain about a team push and there is no rule against you typing you concern in-chat to another player, just don't chat spam the admin or the server. If someone is constantly team pushing you can make the admin aware who will then watch the player(s) you have indicated that has team pushed you in order to collate evidence and if necessary take the appropriate action.
For example if someone team pushed you to prevent you getting killed, is that a TP or someone saving your skin? If someone team pushed you because you jumped in front of their kill it could be view as a team push from your perspective whilst from the other player it could be view as an accident on their part or a kill steal attempt from you. Other players will have views on this from their position on the map.
Your Questions: and a question about something iv done in the server for tp before. Is it ok that there is a guy who annoyingly plays a fair bit when i do and is contantly teamkilling/teampushing at the spawnpoint. is it ok for me to do what i do and tp him so i can have the time to run away and continue playing?
My reply: I would say if a lot of your team is at the spawn point and pushing the enemy at the same time to attain a kill then be prepared to be team pushed bu accident as a lot of people to try attain the same kill. It’s going to happen unfortunately. What I suggest to the team is not to bunch up. Spread out, be mindful of your team and things should fall into place however if one person is team pushing someone else/team and it is being done on purpose you can make the admin aware of take screenshots/video in-game to back-up your concerns. Generally when there’s a lot of people bunched up you can be sure that you’ll notice team pushing, kill stealing and team killing happening. My concept of game play is to enjoy the gaming experience and move away from situations that might escalate between team members. Sure getting a good score is nice, living longer and having an enjoyable experience with minimal fuss is better for me. Another idea is to move to a less populated part of the map or take a break from the game for an 20 minutes or an hour and then come back.
Anyway I hope this answers your questions, if not then expand further and I’ll attempt to answer them accordingly or another admin will.