well Koko you were expecting my comments so here they go.
Mawk well...i havent played against him enough to Know how good he is + he never forced me up till now.
I know hes good but i cant place him here like i sayed whith aeka for example
Also thanks for pointing out afro as the best mundi as he is...well was as he aint playing ATM.
Well about HA being a force server, your right it is and will remain a force server.
And peaple will keep forcing on it.
But a lot of players no-force there and of all of the SWGO admins all exept 2-3 play no-force.
I noticed that some No-forcers force when the force spam gets to big in HA and yet...
They will keep playing no-force vs the players they know that dont force.
Well players will keep playing this way on SWGO HA till the end or exept if a SWGO FFA server whould be made(re-made).
And the chances of that happing are low...
I cant say nothing about the rest as i know only leggz and sinety But like the title sayed.
SWGO HA skills.
I agree totally whith MD being the best chewy ever.
He Pwns all whithout rockets...
ps. waiting for KOKOs comments(flames )