Agreed, Han. Mastering the art of destroying the enemy team with any weapon will get you at least a few complaints here and there. Be it a dark trooper or a sniper, someone that feels entitled to getting the kill on you by mining the surrounding area or double clicking the detpack bind will be quite surprised when you show that you can evade and aim.
Alot of the complaints that people have about shotguns and dark troopers become null and void when playing in a team-kill on server filled with decent players who know how to roll, strafe, and shoot. An engineer has no more of an advantage than the skilled marksman who can read his motion pattern and pull off a headshot in half a second. Using the double jet glitch becomes a liability when facing a player who has already mapped out your flight path and is practically expecting to rock you out of the air with a grenade or detpack the moment you leave the ground.
Granted, a majority of the players in the SWGO servers are not top notch, and many of those found in the average conquest game have just picked up the disc again for the first time in six years. Even so, players like you, Red_Five, and Psycho Dad are perfect examples of people who know how to play the game and unfortunately get called out because they are destroying people left and right under seemingly impossible circumstances.